God i love this boy. ( billy x griffin )

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Billy's pov
Well  I was watching tv on the couch with pretty boy Griffin my arms. Well. Since Bruce vance finney and robin got in a poly relationship. We have been pretty open on are relationship me and Griffin. Oh and Gwen and Donna are dating.  Griffin was really pretty. His eyes everything. I was currently spooning him. He was little spoon. We where watching the outsiders.  Everything was perfect since finney got out.  Hey Griff  I say I hear him hum in response.   I really do love you. Your perfect. Your  my sweet boy.  He moves over.  I love you to billy. Your my boy   he smiles.

( they where laying like that Griffin in the Grey and billy in black)

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( they where laying like that Griffin in the Grey and billy in black)

Still Billy's pov
I ruffle his beautiful hair and peck his lips. He puts his head on my shoulder a arm wrapped around his wasit. The other just there. He's my first love.  My first everything. I wasn't gonna let him go. I wasn't gonna let anyone hurt him he's my precious boy. I feel safe with him. Exactly  8 months ago that baby thing  that shoots arrows or cupids I don't know.  But cause on that. I call him cupid. Nobody else can. Where currently wearing matching bracelets and he's wearing my shirt and shorts that are to big on him it looks hella adorable.  He moved his head on my chest.  Hey baby  I rub his back  yeah love? I stay silent for a bit.  Ur mine your that right GriffI respond and then the dirty blonde boy responds of course I do. I'm  yours  he wraps his arm around my chest along with his head on my chest with him blushing Hella red. It was adorable.   Your adorable when you blush you know  that.   I chuckle.  He nuzzles his face in my chest as a response.  My right arm around his wasit the other I use to ruffle his hair.  My baby.  I love him more then the world its self. To the moon and back.ill do anything for him.

y pretty boy  he says that makes me blush hard. His legs where on mine. I pull him closer as a response.   My short boy  I respond.  I see a pink tint rise on his cheeks.We slowly drift off to sleep.

                        God I love this boy

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2022 ⏰

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