flower crowns

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Finneys pov
I was sitting in the cold basement on my 14th birthday. All I could think of was my boyfriends first. Robin I missed his long hair and his soft voice Two vance hopper I miss his long curly blonde hair I loved to play with. And last  Bruce I miss his sweet soothing voice and his perfect smile. ( yall will probably stop reading but they 4 will be poly its dated in 2022 in this story  their will be just rinney moments and just bxf moments and vxf moments)

I am gonna get out. I looked at the deep ugly scars all over my body terrified if he will beat me or.. rape me again. He left the door unlocked.  I lightly opened it hearing him snoreing.

He walked up stairs straight to the door slowly and quietly turning the lock he got it unlocked and he noticed the group outside at the house up front and he zoned put but snapped back to reality when he felt a knife cut on his neck it was slightly but enough to make a ugly scar "naughty boy~"  he ran out the door straight to the police and group  the grabber didn't notice and bolted chasing him just to he tackled but 2 police officers.

vances pov
We where outside the house with police but they didn't find finney, only 3 dead bodys of random kids

Robin's pov
Right there I thought fine was dead till we all turned around seeing bleeding finney screaming and who I'm assuming is the grabber being tackled. He ran right into my arms for a bit then did with are  2 other lovely boyfriends.

Time skip week later

Finneys pov
I was laying down in vance lap my head in his lap and robin laying his head between my thighs and Bruce sitting sitting beside vance tracing my scars it was peaceful first time ever in months. I was happy again.

Gwen came in g: guys! Let's hangout at the park! Pleaseeee  f:sure gwenny we have to get dressed go tell dad alright?  G:okay she skipped away as we all got up we all got dressed I was wearing Robin's pants Bruce's shirt and Vances jacket

At the park
Robin's POV
I was chatting with Gwen vance and Bruce and Griffen and billy where on the swings when i later eyed finney in the corner doing something by the flower patch  I walked up behind him not seeing  what he doing R: Mi amor? What u doing?  F: don't look!! I'm doing something he slightly pushed me away so I went back to the group

Time skip like 15 minutes
Finneys pov
I walked  to the group  close your eyes loves!
When I saw robin vances and Bruce's eyes close I places blue shades of flowers crown on robin then red shades of flowers crown on vance then last  yellow shades of flowers crown Bruce  open open! Their sparkly eyes opened smiling widely at the crowns I love it mi amor robin says and he pulls me on his lap holding me tightly and I smile I was facing the others these are beautiful baby  vance saying and I blush lightly feeling him interwin are fingers  these look amazing sweetheart  Bruce says in that voice I missed.

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