Chapter 1. Channel 107

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The sounds of drills and bolts fastening seemed to numb Michael's skull.

It was a normal day at work, as normal as it could be; he was working on a new line of animatronics. The bot he was currently working on was going to be named Ballora. As of now, the only animatronics at Circus Baby's Pizza World that was up and running was Circus Baby herself, and Funtime Freddy. 

Circus Baby's Pizza World was different from Freddy Fazbear's in the sense that instead of kids coming to the party, the party came to them. It eliminated the chance of anyone going missing, which is why Freddy's seemingly fell off the face of the earth in Michael's childhood. Parents could rent the animatronics out for parties just the same as you could bounce houses and face painters. 

Circus Baby's Pizza World was also different from Freddy Fazbears in the sense only employees were allowed in the store. It was just a rental service, not a place to actually have your birthday party. Michael liked that aspect because he could be alone, aside from the occasional co-worker complaining about the broken coffee machine.

So there Michael was, sweat and grime beaded on his forehead as he drilled a bolt into the endoskeleton of his project. His shirt was half-buttoned up, allowing him to cool off without taking his shirt off completely, for modesty of course. He was completely wrapped up in his work, he felt as if it was like a trance these robots put on him. It fulfilled him to see a finished product in front of him, looking into his eyes with their own plastic ones. It was almost an escape from the chaotic world.

Breaking him out of his trance the sound of the company phone ringing. Michael widens his eyes and stands up, fetching the phone before he misses the call. He picks up the outdated landline-style phone and holds it up to his ear.

"Circus Baby's Pizza World, this is Michael Afton Speaking. How may I help you today?"
"Well if it isn't the man himself! Hi, this is (Insert name here) from channel 107, I was wondering if I could ask a few questions, it would only take a few minutes Mr. Afton!"

Michael's eye twitches and he face palms quietly, not another news station. "Um...what is the nature of these questions?" He tried staying professional, but he was irritated. Whenever he was irritated he noticed his British accent was thicker. 

"All good-natured..! We've seen the headlines lately and we had some questions about that. We assure you we aren't trying to put any negative impressions on your reputation."
Michael thinks about it for a little bit before sighing.

"What the heck. Why not?" he says reluctantly, leaning against the front desk the phone was sitting on. He figured it could give him a break from work for a moment, he didn't even notice how sore his arms had become from screwing in bolts for hours at a time.

"Okay!" the woman on the other side of the phone chirps, grabbing some papers to locate her notes. "Alright Mr. Afton, my first question is regarding the missing children incident."
Upon hearing this, Michael rolled his eyes, he was deathly sick of hearing about all this nonsense regarding his dad. He immediately regrets agreeing to answer this woman's question.

"The missing children's incident had nothing to do with me, I was just a boy when that happened." He said flatly, seriously he had no idea how these people get the nerve to ask such invasive questions.

"But surely it could've awoken something in you, how did it make you feel when you found out, Mr. Afton."

Michael wasn't as short-tempered as he used to be when he was 15, but ever since he's started working under the same brand his dad created, endless rumors about him have been spread. He sometimes felt like the same young, angry teen boy he used to be. The one who got into fights, who shot off fireworks in school parking lots, and skipped class.

"Hello? Mr. Afton are you there?"

Even her simply calling him that made him sick to his stomach.

Finally answering the woman's question, Michael sighs. "Look. I'm not my dad, I never will be him. We're nothing alike and he's locked up in prison for a good reason. I never did anything involving the missing children, and just because an Afton is working at a Fazbear Entertainment facility doesn't mean I'm gonna go on a killing spree. That's all you need to know." he slams the phone down and puts his head in his hands.

He admittedly felt bad for getting angry at the woman, but he couldn't help it. He deserved privacy, just like everyone else who worked with him. Y/N's parents work under Fazbears, yet Y/N never got any calls like Michael. You never saw Y/N's face plastered on every newspaper in town, or people denying her service because of her parents. Yet all of this happens to Michael daily.

Michael hated people assuming he was anything like his father. Just because his dad did horrible things doesn't mean Michael would ever do anything like that. As much as Michael hated it, he's really grown into his father's face.

He still had the defined cheekbones and and blue eyes as Michael has always had. But the placement of all of his features, they were identical to his father's. People confuse the two all the time, and even his extended family members tell him how much he looks like William.

It all makes him sick.

Fucking Sick

Authors Note |

Hey guys, sorry this chapter was so short, I'm really trying to get passionate about this book again. But it's just really hard to appeal to a slowly dying audience. Publishing my first Michael Afton fanfiction was perfectly timed because that was when security breach was popular, and everyone was a major Michael Afton simp. I knew it was just a trend that would die down for many, and it did. To all of you who still read after the era is over, thank you. I love you. And you honestly are the only reason I'm continuing this book.

Much love,

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