Chapter 2. Just Like a Boy

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They say home life is the most intimate aspect of human beings, how they grow up and how they keep their house is the most defining part of them. It changes how they interact with the world and their future. Michael and Y/N had lived two very different lives growing up.

Y/N was at home finishing dinner. She stood in front of the stove stirring some pasta, the steam from the boiling water left her face moist. Michael had texted Y/N a few minutes ago saying he was on his way home. Which excited Y/N, she had missed him throughout the day being alone at home. Many of Y/N's friends make fun of her saying she became a housewife over the years of living with Michael, but Y/N never felt that way. She's asked Michael before if he wanted her to get a job, but he always answers the same.

Y/N never argued her point, because he was right, he could support them. So what's the point of even working? It wouldn't make her happy, staying at home makes her happy. She wasn't some housewife who strictly cooked or cleaned, she had hobbies and interests. If anybody knew how headstrong she was, it was Michael. That was a trait he'd always admired about her.

Y/N suddenly heard keys jingling in the door meaning that Michael was home. The door clicks open, and Michael walks in, oil and grime smeared on his face. Typical Michael. No matter how much he had matured he will always be the boy she knew and loved at 15. Dirt and all.
"Michael! Welcome home," Y/N smiles over at him, "how was work?"

Michael groans as he shuts the door behind him, being careful not to slam it, he knows even if he is angry he shouldn't slam doors, it scares Y/N when he does that. "It was decent for the most part, I got another call today..." he walks over and hugs Y/N from behind, Y/N cringed a bit knowing he probably was getting sweat and oil on her in the process but she had grown used to this and accepted this intimacy. "I fucking hate my job." he buries his face into the crook of her neck. Hugging her calms him down, she's something concrete in his life and he needed something to hold onto.
"Wanna talk about it?" Y/N didn't want to pry, but she knew how much this bothered Michael.

"God yes," Michael lets go of her, ending their hug. "My day was going great, I was working on a new animatronic when the fucking phone rang." He paces through the kitchen as he angrily retold his day. His accent came through a bit, and each end of the sentence became a cold spit. British people were quite funny when they were upset. As he kept speaking about his day, Y/N felt herself smile more. Michael notices this and tilts his head slightly.

"...Why are you smiling?" Michael calmed down slightly, it was hard to stay mad when she was smiling. It always made his anger melt away. Even if retelling his day got him all riled up again.
"Oh, nothing," Y/N laughs quietly as she continues to cook. "You just sound like you're 15 again,"

Michael blushed and looked away, he didn't even try and deny it he knew it was true. "Is that a bad thing?"
"Not at all," Y/N pursed her lips, "I think it's charming. You're still such a boy sometimes." She sighs happily. Michael looks up at Y/N and cracks a small smile, his anger has truly melted away into nothingness. She had this effect on Michael, he couldn't explain it. She always found a way to pull him out of the dark clouds he found himself in most days.
"You're still the same person too, you know. You still make me sick with how sweet you are." He says jokingly.

"Oh shut up Michael," Y/N shuts off the stove once dinner is done, "You know you love it, I keep your ass in check young man" She smirks
"You're right, you're right, apologies my queen," He laughed a bit and leaned against the counter and watched her as she finished dinner. He liked watching her do minor tasks around the house whenever possible, it interested him how she went about things. He was always just utterly obsessed with her so her finishing up dinner was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

"Now tell me exactly how I sound like I'm 15 again," Michael raised an eyebrow at her, deciding to break the slight silence.
Y/N turns her body to him to face him completely. "Your accent is really heavy right now," she snickers quietly, "and you're complaining like a little boy."
"My accent is not heavy-" he tried defending himself, which backfired because when he said that his accent was thicker than before. He couldn't help but crack an embarrassed smile at the irony.

"I will admit," Y/N smiled slightly, "you've definitely gotten better at sounding American. Here, try saying something in an American accent, you've got a really good one."

"Okay okay, one second," Michael smiles mischievously, he was still such a kid at heart around this girl.
Michael clears his throat, "Like oh my god! My name's Y/N and I'm dating the sexiest guy ever, Michael Afton. He's so dreamy, that man leaves me soaked." He said in a very convincing American accent, almost like a valley girl. Y/N laughs and shoves him, "Hey! When have I ever said that or even sounded like that?"

"Well, are you denying it?" Michael asks with a cheeky grin, talking like normal again.
"No, not one bit," Y/N leans up and kisses his cheek, "dinner's ready, get your food, you idiot,"
"Yes mum," he sighs sarcastically,
"I am not your mother," she gently hits his cheek with a wooden spoon, not wanting to actually hurt him.
"No, but I could make you a mommy, just give me one night and nine months" he mumbled under his breath and choked back laughter.

Y/N blushed, "Michael..." she grumbled and looked away, "Shut up and eat your food."
"Fine," he rolls his eyes, "you really are the same Y/N you've always been, never letting me have fun."

Y/N ignores his petty comment and just cracks a smile at him, looking down at the ground and sighing in contentment at her night. It was the little things like this that made her appreciate the adulthood they grew into. Well, that she grew into, Michael is still a child sometimes. He's always been like that, however. The more he thought about it, Y/N was right. He really is just like a boy. The same boy he's always been.

That brings him some comfort.

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