Chapter 8. Marchesi Antinori

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Hey guys! Sorry for the delay on writing, I recently injured myself in karate class and It's been difficult adjusting to staying in bed all day. But, this has given me more time to go back to writing! I hope you guys enjoy this light chapter. This prompt was provided by a comment on my last chapter. Thank you for the idea! This chapter is about 1000 words, so i'm gonna split it up into 2 parts. Consider this part 1! 
Much love, Author <3


Friday nights. Some people look forward to them, some look forward for them to be over, but Y/N and Michael don't really do anything on Friday nights. Their friends call them recluses, some tease them and call them old people for staying in. This Friday however, Michael felt like they should do something.

The couple was sat on the couch, Y/N had her legs draped over Michael's lap. Michael would never admit it, but he loved when she did this. He loved when they sat like this, with her legs draped on his. He couldn't get enough of it, he could barely even pay attention to the show on TV. They were in the middle of watching a random show on Hulu that seemed interesting at the time, but halfway through the episode, it got dull.

Michael glances over at the clock and sighs, getting Y/N's attention. Any little noise from him usually got her attention. "What's wrong, Mike?" Y/N shifts her gaze toward Michael. Michael wasted no time telling her what he was thinking. He always did that though, he spoke any little thing that was on his mind, ridiculous or not.

"You ever get the feeling we're like...old people or sumthin?" His face twisted in a weird look between disgust and intrigue.
"Pft," Y/N cracks a smile at his rather random comment, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"I don't know, look at us. We're just sitting on the couch watching TV on a Friday night. Remember when we were kids and we'd fuck around with the guys every weekend?" Michael leans his head back against the couch, "I know our days of skinny dipping in creeks and downing Redbulls until 2 AM are behind us, but we should be doing something."

Y/N still had a smile on her face amused at how serious he was being about the subject, "I get what you mean. Why don't we invite Chica Mask over and do something?"
Michael looks over at Y/N with a look of excitement, one that reminded her of the look he used to give her whenever they would get into trouble as teens. "Hell yeah, what should we do?"

"Well..." Y/N trails off, trying to think of something fun they could all do, she honestly wasn't planning on doing anything tonight. "Your mom gave us that bottle of fancy wine when we moved in here. Why don't we crack it open with Chica Mask and play a board game?"

While it was true Y/N and Michael were underage to be drinking, it wasn't a huge deal. Their town was so small it wasn't like they would get in any real trouble anyway. Plus it was a gift from Vera, and in her eyes wine is "the least douche baggy alcohol you could drink underage"

"Wow, wine and board games sounds so...mature," Michael says jokingly, "maybe we are old." he grabs his phone and texts Chica Mask inviting him over.


About 20 minutes after Michael texted Chica Mask there was a knock at the door. Michael lets Chica Mask in and they all say their hellos.
"Yo I heard there was gonna be some underage drinking up in this joint, you know I had to pull up." Chica Mask teased as he gave Michael a short bro hug, and Y/N a fist bump. The usual greeting from Chica Mask, it never changed, it was always like clockwork. But then again Chica Mask never changes.

"Don't act like we've never done it before," Michael smirks slightly and nudges Chica Mask. It was true, when they were about 17 they got totally wasted on New Year's Eve much to the dismay of their parents. Y/N was surprisingly tipsy too, which shocked the adults greatly. She was always the responsible one.

"Yeah well now we're sophisticated individuals who only dabble in the fine life. What brand is this wine anyway? My parents own a vineyard, I can tell if it's good shit." Chica Mask cocks his eyebrows at Y/N. Y/N grabs the bottle from the top of the fridge and reads it off to him.

"The brand is Marchesi Antinori? I've only had wine at my grandparent's house before, so I don't know what this tastes like." She hands the bottle to Chica Mask and he reads the label over. "This is high-quality shit. How did you manage to get this?"

"My mum gave it to us as a housewarming gift." Michael shrugs, he too didn't know much about wine so he was taking Chica Mask's word for it.
"So Mrs. Afton not only encourages underage drinking, but also has good taste! Y'know Mikestar, I like her more and more every day." Chica Mask gives Michael a suggestive look, making Michael roll his eyes.

"Chick Mask stop trying to get with my mum."
"I mean...she's still single-" Chica Mask said raising his eyebrows. He's the only person who could get away with making a joke about his parent's divorce, considering how it happened.
Michael laughs and punches his arm lightly, "Fuck you,"

Y/N just laughs to herself hearing how the two boys interact.
"Okay, jokes about Michael's parents aside. Are you guys ready to play Monopoly?" Y/N raised her eyebrows playfully at the guys.
"Ready as I'll ever be, I'll pour the refreshments." Chica Mask does a poor French accent, making Y/N and Michael laugh.

Y/N goes to the storage closet and pulls out the game, blowing the thin layer of dust off the cardboard lid. She and Michael hadn't played Monopoly in a while.

Chica Mask cracked open the bottle of wine and got out three wine glasses. He does a showy presentation as he poured the wine into the glasses.
"What the hell are you doing dude?" Michael holds back laughter.
"I wanted to be a snooty French waiter when I was a kid. I'm healing my inner child, is there a problem with that?"

Michael snorts quietly, "No, not at all,"

As I mentioned before in the author's note at the beginning i'm splitting this into two parts! I'll be writing that soon! Also, have you guys seen who's playing Michael in the new FNAF movie that's coming out? He looks so much like Michael, it's insane. Plus he's super cute. I'm so excited for the movie! His name is Josh Hutcherson :).

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