Chapter 7. Gloom and Doom

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Hey, quick author note!

I'll try and keep this short, but this is important for you to know as the reader. This book has a plot, there is definitely a more dynamic plot than just Y/N and Michael's domestic life together. I have to write some filler chapters to keep it light, weigh the tension properly, and fulfill any fluff or smut you guys would like. That being said, if you have any prompts for a fluff or smut chapter, comment them below and I'll try my best to provide what you want.

Today's "filler chapter because I want to weigh this story properly" is based on the prompt below! 

Much love always, Author <3

It was a dreary night, approximately 9 PM

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It was a dreary night, approximately 9 PM. Y/N and Michael were finishing up a date they were having at the local diner downtown. The place had a ma' and pa' shop feel, with vintage decor and traditional American food you'd see at any diner; burgers, fries, milkshakes.

Thunder boomed outside as Y/N and Michael pushed the glass door of the diner open, and began their walk home. Earlier in the day, the sun was out just fine, which is why the couple walked to the restaurant. They didn't even think to bring umbrellas.

The two were walking down the sidewalk together, rain pelting against their bodies, the wind so cold it seemingly went through them. It was bone-chilling, and they certainly weren't dressed for the weather. 

Mentally kicking himself in the ass for this, Michael groans as the cold rain pelts against his pale face. He didn't even care about his own physical comfort, he worried about Y/N. He didn't want her to get sick because of the weather.

Y/N did hate the rainy weather they were experiencing too, she just wasn't as vocal about it as Michael. She hated the feeling of it making her clothes damp and itchy, how her hair feels thick and frizzy, just the effects of weather on the human body in general.

"Jesus Christ it's like I stepped right back to London," Michael grumbled, making Y/N tilt her head slightly. Michael hasn't really talked much about his time living in London considering he and his family moved to America when he was only in elementary school.

"What do you mean by that?" Y/N smiled as she grabbed onto his arm gently as they fast walked, trying to get back home as quickly as possible.

"London is usually rainy, especially where I lived." Michael looks down at the ground while he talks. Their shoes were making rhythmic taps against the concrete sidewalk as they walked in sync. 

"You know," Y/N began, even if they were miserable walking in the rain together she felt the need to make conversation. "You don't really talk much about your childhood in London. Why is that? Do you not remember a lot of it?"

Michael shrugs lightly, "I remember most of it. We had to wear uniforms to school, we get around using the London Underground; which is just basically a subway or train. It's pretty different from the states."

"Well is there anything you personally remember from childhood? Like the shows you watched or something?" Y/N had a smile on her face. She liked hearing about Michael's past for the most part.

Whenever it didn't involve William being a sadistic serial killer and abusive father it was really fun to listen.

Michael felt a smile creep up on his lips as he remembers bits and pieces from his childhood.
"I'd sit in front of the telly, drinking a Ribena juice box, watching Sooty and Sweep with my mum. Elizabeth and Evan were basically babies, so they probably don't remember any of it."

Y/N smiles too imagining the memory herself, even if she wasn't there to experience it. Imagining a young Michael sitting with his baby siblings watching TV was enough to make her feel warm inside.

As much as she didn't want to think about it, or bring it up to Michael, he has a wonderful family before William became the way he did. She was sure Michael missed that a lot, but part of her wondered if he missed William at all.

When he was 16 years old he had to testify against William in court. He had to spill all the bloodcurdling details about the murders and abuse. Michael may have put on a tough-guy act back then, but he was scared. He was shaking the entire trial, and when it was over he sobbed. The moment he heard the judge give William his life sentence, the tears flooded from his eyes.

Y/N remembered when they put the handcuffs on William once they reached their verdict, and began to take him away for good. William looked between his own family and Y/N's family who also showed up for the trial. He looked Y/N in the eyes as he was taken away, it made Y/N sick.

This was the man whose house she had been in a million times. The man who invited her family to dinners and family barbecues. This was the father of the boy she loved.

Feeling her own stomach churn from thinking about Mr. Afton mixed with the unpleasing weather outside she decided to stop thinking about that day.

"Love? Are you feeling alright?" Michael's eyebrows upturned slightly in worry for Y/N.
Y/N looks over at him quickly, "Hm? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just cold and stuck in my own thoughts."
"I'm sorry, If I knew it was going to rain we would've driven here." Michael pulls her closer as they walked in an attempt to keep her warm with his own body heat.

"Don't worry about it Michael," Y/N laughs half-heartedly, "The more I'm out here the more I don't mind the rain." Y/N's whole mood perks up slightly. Ignoring the uncomfortable feeling rain made her feel, it was pretty to look at.

The pair walk by a puddle, Y/N decides to be a little childish and breaks away from Michael. She jumps in the puddle and laughs as the cold rainwater hits her legs. The more she thought about herself and Michael when they were teenagers the more she missed the feeling of being spontaneous with him and his friends.

She has fond memories of them all hanging out together, even if Bonnie Mask and Freddy Mask drifted away from the rest of the three. Exploring woods, swimming in creeks, and being wild teenagers. She missed it.

In a way, she was living out her nostalgic teenage memories again.

"Y/N don't you hate the rain?" Michael stands there watching her play in the puddle and skip around as she walked. She let the drops of water fall along her body and didn't even care.
"Yep, I do," She laughs quietly, "But it's fun to play in if you ignore the gross feeling of wearing wet clothes."

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