Chapter 2

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"Daddy." A soft voice sniffled as my office door opened slightly wider revealing a red faced toddler.

Getting up from my chair, I made my way over to the door and crouched in front of her. Mr Bananas tucked under her arm and her cheeks stained with tears.

"Nightmare?" I asked as she nodded her head and buried her face in my chest as I engulfed her in a warm hug.

Lifting her up off the floor, she buried her face in my neck as I walked over to my laptop. I switched everything off and switched off the lights before carrying her to my room. It's directly across from theirs and it's also so much easier that they chose to share a room. I can keep an eye on both of them at the same time.

"What was your dream about love bug?" I asked as I pulled the covers over us and gently stroked her back while she curled up on top of me.

"C...can we just l...listen to m...mommy?" She asked, her big blue eyes, identical to my own, staring right back at me.

"Of course we can, baby." I smiled as she wiped her cheeks with my shirt.

The nightmares have been a common occurrence for Elle over the last couple of months. I was worried the first time she came crying into my room and wouldn't stop till I played her one of the videos. According to Ben, Everly used to get nightmares at around the same age but those were linked to her incident with David. Her brain locked that memory away till it started to resurface. The only problem is that Elle hasn't been through anything traumatic, not that I can think of anyway unless we include her ice cream that fell a couple days ago.

Grabbing Everly's phone from the nightstand, I unlocked it and opened up the album filled with videos and pictures just for our kids. The documenting she did from when she found out she was pregnant to nine months later.

"Hey baby girl, I know you're probably sick of hearing my voice but you won't let me sleep!" She groaned as Elle giggled to herself. "I went to a doctors appointment today without daddy because he's a lazy old man and she said she can see something peeping out on the side." She grinned.

"It was Emmy!" Elle squealed in excitement. She watches this very same video after every nightmare. I'm not sure what it is about it but she's so drawn to it.

"That's your brother." Everly grinned in excitement as she leaned against the headboard of our bed. "We're having two little angels and daddy doesn't even know." She said as Elle immediately looked up at me when Everly pointed the camera to me sleeping.

"I love you mommy." She whispered as she kissed the screen and stared at her face.

"Mommy loves you baby girl, and you too I guess baby boy." She winked as she giggled and snuggled closer to me.

Reaching up to my neck, she pulled the silver chain out and kissed the two rings dangling down. The ring I gave her on our first Christmas, and her wedding ring. Other than the silver band on my ring finger and the Bambi chain she had bought me for Christmas all those years ago, this is the only piece of jewellery I wear. Four years later and I'm still the same man I was, this time with two little toddlers.

It wasn't long till she fell asleep, all she ever needs is a comforting hug and she'll be fine. The silence surrounding me made my close my eyes, the image of Everly Rose staring back at me. I felt as though she was within arms length of me but she was too far.

Her gorgeous brunette curls flying all over the place, her sparkly green eyes that put me in a trance every time I even glance in them. Her rosy red cheeks turning a darker shade of red every time I tell her how beautiful and gorgeous she is, every time I tell her how she makes my heart race, how I silently listen to her speak because her voice is my favourite sound. Her soft pink lips that stretch into the most beautiful smile anyone has ever seen, the same smile she gave to our kids.

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