Chapter 34

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"You had nightmares last night?" Kate asked as I sipped on my hot chocolate Mason had bought me early this morning.

He had left around an hour after we had gone home for work and I had locked myself in my room for the rest of that day. Dad camped outside my room for half the day and threw wrapped up cookies and brownies up to my window. He didn't try to convince me to open my door, instead he spoke to me. Told me little things I had forgotten and things I didn't know, showing me pictures of the kids all grown up, and the new additions to our family. It did make me emotional, missing all these years of their lives, not remembering them, as though they never existed to begin with.

"Mhm, I remember little bits and pieces but not all of it." I gulped, gently swirling my cup.

"What was it about?" She asked slowly pouring the black liquid from her coffee pot into a white mug.

"When I went home yesterday dad was telling me about my nieces and nephews and stuff I missed. I felt really really shitty. I mean, it's not my fault but I missed so much so my families life. It's like I'm an outsider. And then I had a dream that I was pregnant and got kidnapped to top it all off." I said, letting out a breathy laugh.

"Tell me more about your dream." She said as she kicked off her heels and made herself comfortable on the couch.

"My bio dad was there and a guy from high school that I've had issues with before. There were two other people I didn't recognise though, one of them had a scar on his face and the other looked almost a little like Mason." I explained as she nodded and silently listened. "I was locked in a room and it was dark, the windows had boards nailed to them and there wasn't much light. I could barely make out the bed and a little side drawer but other than that there wasn't anything." I said, squeezing my eyes shut trying to remember how it looked exactly.

"Well, we can talk about your nightmare or we can carry on from we left off yesterday. Remember, we need to take things as slow as possible because with the amount of trauma you have, if it comes back all at once there's no telling how it'll impact you both mentally and physically." She explained.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I felt a chill run down my spine. Goosebumps raised on my arms and I instantly felt cold. Freezing. As though I was locked in a Ben and Jerry's ice cream freezer. I kinda wish I was if I'm being completely honest, just thinking about all that ice cream was zoning me out.

"Is it true? My nightmare?" I asked not really knowing when in my head I had planned to ask.

"Small steps, Everly. Don't jump into a clearly traumatic nightmare before we've had the chance to handle everything else." She said softly but I couldn't get the question out of my mind. Did I actually get kidnapped? Was I pregnant? No, that's not possible because David died when I was seventeen. There's no way he rose from the dead.

"Okay, what shall we start with today?" I sighed, letting out a shaky breath before taking a long sip from my hot chocolate. I need three more.

"You mentioned seeing someone who looked a little like Mason?" She asked as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"I...I thought we weren't talking about my dream?" I asked in confusion.

"We're not, but he's linked to other locked away memories." She explained as I nodded and closed my eyes, trying to think of any linked memories that included the guy in my dream.

"Who is he then? He looks like Mason so he must be related to him? His uncle? His dad?" I asked, the same dull ache I had in my head from yesterdays session slowly making a reappearance.

"It was Mason's father. He had people break into your apartment once." She said slowly. Getting up from the couch and came to sit in front of me.  "He left you notes that were very much stalking." She said moving her finger back and forth in front of my eyes.

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