Chapter 49

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"Okay kids fly safe, call us the second you land, make sure you take lots of pictures." Mom said to the twins as she crouched down and hugged them while Mason and I stood there waiting for some attention. Well, I don't know about him but I definitely was.

"And make sure you call us every single day." Kelly sniffled, dabbing her eyes as she joined in the hug with mom and the kids.

"Course we will, we'll even bring you both back so many presents." Elle promised, hugging her grandmothers as tight as she possibly could.

"Can't you guys just go next year." Dad sighed, lifting the twins up in his arms as they rolled their eyes in amusement.

You give your parents grandchildren and they've suddenly forgotten you even exist. I mean, I don't entirely blame them because one look from the cutest four year olds has me melted in a puddle. I dont know what it is about them but they just have that special thing that makes them so lovable, and I take full credit for

"Erm hello, daughter standing right here." I said, crossing my arms waiting for my parents to acknowledge me.

"Hello daughter." They said before turning back to the twins and started giving them travelling advice. I have no idea what travelling advice two four year olds would need, but according to my parents it's more necessary than saying goodbye to their only relevant child.

"Alright troll, don't go wandering off by yourself make sure you're with mason at all times. If you somehow daze off and get lost then use google maps. Have your hotel address in your phone and make sure your translating app is working in case you need it. Don't eat out from those fast food places they'll make you sick, go to a restaurant and have good food and don't try too many new things either you'll get an upset stomach." Aiden said, holding me at an arms length as he practically stared into my soul telling me the basic survival skills I already know.

"I'm not an idiot, and I'm not four either." I snorted, swatting his hands away before pulling him in for a hug knowing full well I was about to do the complete opposite of everything he just told me. Not because I want to, but because it will end up happening regardless.

"Debatable." He said under his breath as I rolled my eyes and chose to ignore it. Pulling away from the hug, he looked over at Mason with a raised eyebrow. "Take care of my sister and my niece and nephew, make sure they don't get kidnapped and shipped off in a storage container to China." He said looking as serious as ever.

"I might just ship them off myself." He said sharing the same serious look as Aiden.

"And I wouldn't blame you." He said, earning him an elbow right in the ribs from yours truly.

"Alright kiddos, we'll see you in a week. Don't forget to call us every single day." Dad said once we heard the tannoy announce our flight.

Hugging my family goodbye, the four of us made our way to our gate. We checked in all our luggage before turning around one last time to wave goodbye. They were behaving as though this is the last time they'll ever see us, but considering my track record of problems following me wherever I go, I don't blame them. If it were up to my family, all twenty five of them would be standing in the airport saying their goodbyes, but unfortunately for them I made sure to hide their keys in weird places at their houses so they wouldn't show. Don't get me wrong, if there's anyone that loves to be the centre of attention it's me, and rightfully so, but sometimes and only sometimes it's overwhelming. And so we made a little trip to everyone's places and hugged them all goodbye before leaving for the airport with the grandparents and Aiden.

"This is going to be a long flight." I sighed, buzzing with excitement as we sat ourselves down in first class.

"Twenty hours with one stop." Mason said as we looked at the map on the screens in front of us with the flight plan.

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