Chapter 4

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"Uncle Aiden and Kai are waiting for you in his office, don't disturb anyone, yeah?" I said to the twins as they nodded and ran down to Finn's desk.

I watched as he looked around the room before handing them both a chocolate bar each and opened the door for them. The twins ran into Aiden's office with no care in the world while Finn closed the door and glanced at me with a sheepish grin on his face.

Opening my office door, I put down their bags in the corner and switched on my laptop. Aiden brought Kai in with him today since Hayley is visiting building sites, and so instead of leaving them with Ben and Athena or mum, I thought I'd bring them in to entertain Kai.

I remember bringing them into work for the first time, they were barely a couple months old and I was holding two car seats and a large duffel bag filled with things I might need. My work colleagues and I get along very well, they're friend's of some sort but I hadn't expected them to help me out with two newborns. Maybe it was them pitying me that my wife died but either way they did help, especially Finn and Kelsey.

Someone would watch them sleep while I was in a meeting, if they woke up while I was still busy they'd never bother me. Instead they'd feed them and change their nappy's...well diapers and calm them down. They soon became little celebrities among the staff and it got to a point where they'd argue amongst themselves on who should watch them for the hour I'd be busy.

Till this date they're just as obsessed with them if not more. I've had Kelsey send me screenshots of clothes asking me to ask the twins if they like them. Finn randomly texts me asking if they have any preferred snacks or if their favourite food has changed.

It's safe to say two four year olds have a good amount of people wrapped around their fingers.

It's been difficult working and taking care of both of them, but I can't complain when they're my two of my favourite people. I initially planned to start up my own company a couple years after I graduated, instead Aiden offered me a higher position in the company and the pay is phenomenal.

Ben had offered to put Everly's trust fund in my name, to make our lives easier and so I wouldn't have to work. Instead, I asked for it to be put in the twins names. What's the point of me having it if I wasn't going to touch it? Besides, work is the only other thing keeping me sane, it would be silly to take unnecessary time off.

I still do intend to start my own company one day, but that'll be when the kids start school next year. It'll make life a whole lot easier when I don't have to worry about them for seven hours.

Just as I pulled up a set of blueprints I had been looking at last night, the three of them came storming into my office.

"Daddy tell Kai and Emerson that girls can play with cars too!" Elle demanded as she crossed her arms while the boys immediately opened their mouth to argue.

"Girls play with princess and dolls, not cars." Emerson said as he rolled his eyes.

"Em, boys and girls can play with whatever they want even if it's cars." I said as Elle shot him a satisfied smirked while the two boys grumbled to themselves.

"Fine! You can play with us." Emerson grumbled as Elle rolled her eyes.

"Nope, you ugly boys can play with yourselves. I'm going to play with daddy." She glared before pushing them both out of my office and closing the door behind her. "Can we look at the top secret one?" She whispered as she climbed up on my lap and faced my open laptop.

"Hmmm I don't know." I teased as she turned her head and pouted. Her big blue eyes staring into my soul. "Okay fine." I chuckled as her pout was replaced with a wide toothy grin before turning around to face my laptop.

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