Chapter 2

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It's the next day and I'm in Matt's car again. We arrive at school and everyone is staring it us again.

"Why are you hiding love." Matt laughs.

"Can you please shut the fuck up." I say annoyed.

"Right miss attitude." He rolls his eyes and parks his car right next to all of my friends and a lot of other people. Great. They have already seen me.

"God, thank you Matt. You are such a dick." I sigh. I'm so fucked right now.

"No problem Haze. How can you be a dick? I mean I have one but can you be one?" He teases me.

"Shut the fuck up before I give you a black eye."

"You don't want to lose your car keys for another week, do you?" He smirks.

"Fuck off." I get out of the car and slam the door behind me. All the girls run after me and keep asking quistions. It makes me so anxious. I get into school angrily and walk as fast as possible.

"I think she doesn't want to talk to you guys." A dark low voice says. I directly know who it is. My enemy, Matt.

The girls immediately stop and melt to the ground because Matt talked to them. Sarcastically of course I don't think people can melt.

"What is wrong with those girls?" Matt asks annoyed.

"There all over you. Why don't you go to your hoes and mind your own business." I roll my eyes.

"Weird that I feel bad for Bryce. How can he deal with all that attitude." He smirks and walks away.

"Don't talk about my boyfriend!" I scream angrily.

A little later I'm at my locker and Bryce stand behind me. "Oh, hi babe!" I smile.

"Hey. Uh, what were you doing with Jaden and Matt? I saw you getting out of there car." He asks. Fuck, he saw it.

"They brought me to school because my mom took my car keys. I hate them but my mom forces me to go with them." I roll my eyes.

"So there's nothing going on?" He asks to make sure.

"No, of course not!" I smile and give him a kiss.

"Love you baby." He smiles and hugs me.

I hate when he says that he loves me. I don't love him yet. May sound rude or something, it's very weird I know but he just says it like it's nothing. But I don't love him yet. We haven't dated for so long and since the day we started dating he already said that he loves me. I don't understand but in some way I'll love him too! I know I will. I think he's the love of my life!

"Does your mom know them since she forced you to drive with them?" He asks. What am I supposed to say now? 'Yeah. He's my brother.' Of course not. Ugh.

"Yeah. She knows Matt's mom." I say. I'm not lying, my mom is friends with Azra.

"Oh! Right." He says awkwardly.

"Hey Bryce! Are you coming to soccer tomorrow?" I hear Matt's voice ask.

"Uh, yeah. Of course."

'"You better train. I don't want to loose again because of you." He rolls his eyes.

"Can you just fuck off." Bryce says.

Matt pushes him.

"Matt, stop!" I grab Matt and pull him away from Bryce. "Please just leave my fucking boyfriend alone." I hiss.

"You should break up with him. He's a dick. Truste me Hazel." And with that he walks away.

"What did he say to you?" Bryce asks while getting up.

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