Chapter 11

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"Uh, I'm not really hungry." I softly say. Even tho I am really hungry, I don't wanna eat in front of people.

"Yes you are." Matt gets some out of the McDonald's bag, like he knew.

"No, really. Thank you." I push the food away.

Matt comes closer to my ear. "Your beautiful, eat the goddamn food or I'll push it down your fucking throat." He whispers with a deep voice.

I shiver from his words slowly grabbing some McDonald's.

"Good girl." He smiles. His words make my stomach turn upside down.

"What's happening?" Jaden asks. He probably didn't hear us because he was talking with Nori and Madi.

"Nothing." Matt smiles.

"Yeah." I awkwardly smile and eat a small bite of the McChicken. My favorite one.

It's silent for a second but then Jaden stands up. "I'm changing. I don't know how you girls walk around like this everyday." He pulls the dress down.

"Well I don't wear that everyday. I usually go like this." I point at the clothes I'm wearing.

"Yeah, you usually wear Matts clothes." He laughs.

"No not like that." I roll my eyes.

"I'm gonna change too. I'll be right back." Matt stands up and leaves with Jaden.


They are back again and we're playing truth or dare. My legs are laying on Matts lap and he lays his hands on them.

"Matt truth or dare." Nori asks.


"Who is the prettiest in this room?" She asks.

"Uh," he looks around and lays his eyes on me. "Is that even a question? Jaden." He looks at Jaden. "I mean Jadens sister." He looks at me again.

I smile. He's so sweet. My cheeks get red.

"Aw so cute. Can I go next?" Madi asks.

"Thank you." I whisper to Matt. He looks at me with a smirk. "It's true."

"Matt. Leave my sister alone. She's mine." Jaden says.

"No she's mine!" Nori says.

"She's 100 percent for sure mine." Madi says.

Everyone looks at me and it's silent.

"I am from myself." I say breaking the silence.


"Matt truth or dare?" I ask Matt.

"Dare." He replies.

"I dare you to tell the most embarrassing story of yourself." I smirk. Ready for some embarrassment.

He groans. "I'm not gonna tell everyone that."

"Its a dare you have to, you can choose truth. But you don't know what I'm gonna ask there." I smirk.

"But Hazel, I think you don't want anyone to know." Matt laughs.

It hits. No no no. "Oh my word. No! Don't. I'll give you another one!" I quickly say.

"Wait what? Tell us!" Nori says.

"Nope. Not happening." I say.

Pov Matt
"Well basically what happened was, Hazel and I-"

Hazel cuts me off by putting her hand on my mouth and sits on my lap. "Don't say it."

I laugh while the others look at us in confusion.

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