Chapter 22

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We walk towards the table and Matt whispers "did you tell your mom?"

"Yeah, I kind off might, broke down crying in front of her." I chuckle a little bit.

"Maybe your mom will understand you a little bit more now." He puts his arm around my shoulder and kisses my head.

"Yeah, I told her a lot." I hold his hand that's wrapped around my shoulder.


When we're eating dinner mom can't stop talking to Alahna. Alahna keeps looking at me with an adorable smile. She must like my mom. I mean who doesn't? Everyone is friends with my mom.

Amara sits on Matts lap of course and is talking about that one boy named Theo. She says she doesn't like him but I just know she does. She hates boys and now all of the sudden she talks about him a lot.

For once in life i feel happy. Now that's new...

"Who wants some beer?" Mom asks. "We gotta celebrate Alahna is here."

Everyone says that they would like some, even Amara says it jokingly. We always give her something without alcohol and she likes it a lot. I just know she'll be the biggest alcoholic when she's older.


It's a normal school day today. Madi and Nori ignoring me. Bitches giving me death stares. Sitting alone in class. Feeling tired and exhausted. I could continue...

It's currently lunch break and I'm sitting alone like I haven't sat alone the whole day.

Someone taps my shoulder and I turn around. It's Sarah. I smile and move a little to make place for her.

"Hello beautiful." She smiles at me. "Are you okay?"

"Hey," I sigh. "Yeah, I'm fine." I shrug my shoulders.

"What's up? Did something happen with those two other girls? You used to sit with them all the time." She says.

"Yeah, I know. We kinda faded away.. they never talk to me anymore. But it's fine." I sigh and look down.

"You have something to eat?" She asks.

I shrug my shoulders. "Not hungry."

"I got you this Hay." Matt sits next to me and Jaden sits next to him. He hands me a burger.

"Thank you." I smile at him.

"School's mad boring, you should come to our classes." Matt offers and talking with his mouth full.

I chuckle. "I can't, sorry."

Matt wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek. "Can I sleep over tonight?" He asks.

I hear Jaden sigh. "Another sleepless night for me." He rolls his eyes.

"Shut the fuck up Jay. We're not like you and Madi. Y'all fuck like it's the last time you can, Jesus." He rolls his eyes and looks at me. "Besides, we've never done anything."

"Sarah, are you coming to coaches wedding?" I ask Sarah.

"Yeah, im going with Hayes. Your going too right?" She asks.

I look at Matt and he gives me a adorable smile. "She's going with me." He says still smiling at me.

I get red and look at Sarah.

"Stop the cringe shit." Jaden sighs.

"Look who's coming.." Matt points his head towards the door and we all turn around. Madi and Nori are standing there looking at our table. "Please don't walk to this table, please, please, please." Matt mumbles.

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