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Dinner with Bats

The first thing Harry noticed about Gotham city was that even during the daytime the city had an almost dangerous feel to it. Even if there wasn't any immediate danger lurking around the corner something about the place just set Harry on edge. Bruce didn't seem to have any problem with the place, because the minute they got off of the plane Harry noted how his shoulders lost their tension and he seemed ten times calmer than before.

They hadn't talked about Harry's nightmare the pervious night and Harry was glad that they didn't. He wasn't exactly keen on discussing it plus it wasn't Bruce's business. When they got off the plane there was a limo waiting for them on the mat. For a moment Harry had been taken aback by the show of wealth before remembering who he was traveling with. It was even more emphasized when Bruce tipped the driver a large stack of cash, or at least he assumed it was a lot, Harry wasn't familiar with American currency let alone their muggle currency.

The ride to where Bruce lived was mostly quite with the occasional question being asked by Bruce in an attempt to get to know him. It wasn't that Harry didn't appreciate the effort being put in my his father, he use wasn't used to people asking him what he liked to do or what he was interested in. The Dursley's had never given a shit and everyone in the Wizarding World just assumed what he like because he was a celebrity. So the conversation tended to be a little awkward at certain points but Bruce didn't let it stop him.

Besides Harry took it as a chance to equally get to know his father. "We've spent all this time talking about me, what about you? What does billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne do for fun?" Harry lent back on the bench be was sat on, still staring at the man in question across from him.

Bruce shrugged, "I dabble in a lot of things. I tend to lean towards rock climbing, true crime, and making sure your siblings don't kill each other."

"And you consider that fun?" Harry asked incredulously.

"No. But it takes up so much of my time that one might consider it a hobby." Bruce smirked as he said this which caused Harry to laugh a little. They soon fell into an easy silence for a while before Bruce spoke suddenly as if reminded of something. "Before I forget I do ask that you don't go to the city by yourself. You can go if you take one or preferably two of your siblings but Gotham isn't the nicest place to hang around. We easily have one of the highest crime rates in the country and at one point we were considered a no-man's land by the American Government. This also reminds me that I need to get you a gas mask and at least a small knife. I'll teach you how to use it so don't worry."

Harry had heard about Gotham's more extreme issues but this was getting a little ridiculous. "I'm sorry. Gas mask?"

Bruce nodded with a perfectly straight face and it took him a minute to notice the confusion on Harry's face. When he did he hastily explained, "Sorry that probable sounds a little weird doesn't it? The criminals in Gotham tend to be a little on the extream side so gas attacks are frequent here. Everyone in the city has one on had at all times. With the teenagers and young adults it's even become sort of a trend to decorate your gas mask with your favorite color, characters, or hero's."

Harry just stared at Bruce with raised eyebrows and a shocked expression. Finally he got his composure back and shakily said, "Gotham doesn't exactly sound like an ideal vacationing spot."

Bruce shook his head with an airily laugh, "No, but it's home."

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