8 - 𝙹𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚢

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Gabriela : He won't answer my calls and she's not at her house.
Mrs Escobedo : What?! But where is she then?
Gabriela : All I know is that they're together. Again!!
Mrs Escobedo : We need to do something..
Gabriela : We still have to execute our plan. Let's wait until they come back.
Mrs Escobedo : If you say so.

Meanwhile at the beach

We've been in the water for awhile now.

Honestly? I'm very comfortable. Cameron is keeping me warm.

Cynthia : I need you to help me with something.
Cameron : Sure
Cynthia : I need you to find out how Gabriela got a hold of those photos because I'm not like that. I swear I didn't take those pictures.
Cameron : I know baby and don't worry I'll figure it out -kiss-
Cynthia : We should get going. We've been here for two hours now. They're probably looking for us.
Cameron : Yeah let's go.

In order to not make it suspicious I actually went home to change and dry my hair. Then, once we got to the mansion we agreed that he'd go back to his apartment and I'd stay but before he could get in his car-

Gabriela : Where were you?! And where are you going?!
Cameron : I went for a walk and I'm leaning! I don't want to be here!
Gabriela : We agreed-
Cameron : That I'd come here with you and I did! Now excuse me-
Gabriela : You were with her weren't you?!
Cameron : I don't know what you're talking about!
Gabriela : You know exactly what I'm talking about!!

While they were arguing I took the opportunity to get back inside before she could see me.

Gabriela : You are staying!
Cameron : Or what?
Gabriela : You know exactly what! If you weren't with her, prove it by staying with me!
Cameron : ....
Gabriela : That's what I thought.


Bianca : Oh my god Cyn!! Your mom is pissed!! She's been looking all over for you!
Mrs Escobedo : Did it really take you two hours to change Cynthia?
Cynthia : I'm sorry, I fell asleep...
Mrs Escobedo : You know what's a coincidence? Cameron disappeared right after you did.
Cynthia : Oh really?

She roughly grabbed my arm and pulled me into the kitchen away from the crowd.

Mrs Escobedo : Are you crazy?! I don't want you near him!! Am I clear?!
Cynthia : What? I wasn't with him-
Mrs Escobedo : -slap- Do you think I'm stupid?! It's so obvious you were with him!!
Cynthia : ....
Mrs Escobedo : Don't break the contract Cynthia!! -walks away-

My mom walked out of the kitchen leaving me there holding my cheek that was still in pain because of the slap. I noticed Darren was right outside. Shit! I hope he didn't hear us..

Darren : Are you okay?
Cynthia : You saw that?
Darren : Yeah....I didn't hear exactly what you were arguing about but I did see when she...
Cynthia - -sigh-
Darren : Oh Cynthia..

He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer and gave me a  tight hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck and placed my chin on his shoulder. While we were hugging I saw Cameron pass by but he came back and store at me.

Oh my god..... I can't do anything with Darren here.
Cameron walked away with the wrong idea. Oh no...

Seeing Cynthia and Darren hug like that hurts me! It hurts to see her in arms of someone else. It hurts that she's married to someone else!

I walked away as fast as I could and went to the bar for a very needed strong drink!

Cameron : Whiskey!!
Bartender : Coming right up.
Luisa : You don't look okay..
Cameron : Have you ever been in love?
Luisa : Once
Cameron : Love hurts
Luisa : I know..
Bartender : Your drink man.
Cameron : Thanks -drinks-
Luisa : Woah! Slow down..
Cameron : I need it.
Luisa : Did your girl cheat on you?
Cameron : Let's say she's stuck in a loveless marriage.
Luisa : Hm, my brother is also stuck in a loveless marriage.
Cameron : Who's your brother?
Luisa : Darren Henderson
Cameron : Oh...
Luisa : I'm Luisa Henderson, nice to meet you.
Cameron : Cameron Alvarado, the feeling is mutual.
Cynthia : Hey Luisa! Nice to see you!
Luisa : Aww you too Cynthia.
Cynthia : Darren is looking for you. He's in the lichen.
Luisa : Oh alright! See ya Cameron.
Cameron : Later!
Cynthia : .....i didn't know you two were friends.
Cameron : I just met her. She's really nice and sweet. Oh and......cute.
Cynthia : You asshole....
Cameron : You can hug another guy but I can't call a girl cute?
Cynthia : He's my husband! I can't just push him away!
Cameron : You can you just don't want to!
Cynthia : Cameron I can't!! If I do he'll get suspicious of me! And this is different because I wasn't flirting! You were!
Cameron : I wasn't flirting!
Cynthia : You called her cute!
Cameron : And?!
Cynthia : ......You know what? Fuck you Cameron! -walks away-
Cameron : Whatever!

Gabriela : Would you look at that? Little Luisa is already causing problems.
Mrs Escobedo : I knew it would work. She has such a charm,

Bianca : You really need to calm down.
Cameron : How?!
Bianca : Puling out your emotions on her isn't healthy for your relationship!
You don't want to lose her Cam..
Adrian : What happened?
Cameron : I saw her and Darren hugging. She saw me talking to Luisa and I said she was cute to piss Cyn off.
Adrian : Don't do that!
Bianca : Yeah Cam that's not cool!
Adrian : You know how mad Cynthia can get. Those little things can really harm your relationship.
Cameron : I guess.....yeah you're right.
Bianca : I'll go talk to her. -walks away-
Adrian : Give her space and talk when you're both calm.

Bianca : Hey! You good?
Cynthia : Cameron is an asshole..
Bianca : Oh come on he didn't mean it. He said it to piss you off.
Cynthia : Sure he did..
Bianca : Cynny, you know that he thinks you're the most beautiful woman on this Earth. He's just jealous and upset because you hugged Darren.
Cynthia : Darren hugged me and I couldn't push him away. I told Cameron but he won't understand me.
Bianca : He's just upset. He'll get over it.
Cynthia : Yeah but I don't like fighting with him! I don't like the jealousy...
Bianca : You were jealous too weren't you?
Cynthia : .....A little.
Bianca : And it's normal.
Cynthia : She's pretty, she's nice and sweet and.....single.
Bianca : But he only sees you! You are his one and only.
Cynthia : -smile-

Mrs Escobedo : I see you met Cameron.
Luisa : Yeah he's nice.
Mrs Escobedo : Why don't you get to know him more? I think you two will be great friends!

To be continued....

𝙳𝚘𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝙰𝚏𝚏𝚊𝚒𝚛Where stories live. Discover now