11 - 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙶𝚊𝚋𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚕𝚊

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Luisa : -walks away-
Cameron : I love you Cyn, only you baby.
Cynthia : I love you too..
Cameron : Are we good now?
Cynthia : -smile- Yes baby we are.
Cameron : I'm wondering, why do you want Gabriela over tonight?
Cynthia : To confront her about blackmailing you.
Cameron : What about the pictures?
Cynthia : Don't worry about that. I have it all planned out.
Cameron : Are you sure?
Cynthia : Yes baby -kiss-
Cameron : Okey, well, I'll see you tonight then. I have to head back to work.
Cynthia : See you tonight! -kiss- I love you.
Cameron : I love you more.

When I came back inside the cafe Luisa wasn't there anymore. Did she leave?

-phone call-

Luisa : Hey..
Cynthia : Hey? What happened? I don't see you.
Luisa : I'm sorry something came up. I already paid by the way.
Cynthia : Oh you didn't have to..
Luisa : It's on me don't worry!
Cynthia : Okay but I'll pay next time!
Luisa : Alrighty! Thanks again for everything Cynthia.
Cynthia : Of course! Talk later!
Luisa : Bye!  -ends call-

Evening - Cameron's Apartment

Evening - Cameron's Apartment

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Cameron : -opens door- Hey!
Cynthia : Hi there! -kiss-
Cameron : Gabriela should be here any minute now.
Cynthia : Perfect! -walks in-
Cameron : What exactly is your target tonight?
Cynthia : Your divorce
Cameron : That's gonna be hard.
Cynthia : Don't be so sure.


Cynthia : I'll open it! -opens door- Hello there Gabby!
Gabriela : Why are you here?!
Cynthia : Come in!

She walked in with her arms crossed and a nasty face. She's very annoyed to see me.

Cynthia : Tell me Gab, did you really have to blackmail a man to marry you? How pathetic!
Gabriela : I don't know what you're talking about..
Cynthia : Cam?
Cameron : You said that if I didn't marry you you'd release some pictures of Cynthia.
Cynthia : Pictures my mother gave you to use them for blackmail. She confirmed it!
Gabriela : .....I can still release those pictures.
Cynthia : Why don't you? Go on! Do it! I don't care in the slightest. I'll expose you in my defense.
Gabriela : ......You're going to pay for this one. I promise you that!
Cynthia : Your bark is worse than your bite.
Gabriela : Don't underestimate me. You don't know what I'm capable of.
Cynthia : You weren't able to make Cam fall in love with you though.
Cameron : Now that all of this is clear, I want the divorce.
Gabriela : Fine! You may have won a battle but you didn't win the war!
Cynthia : We'll see
Gabriela : -leaves-

Cameron : Well then..
Cynthia : You're welcome! -kiss- Now you're free.
Cameron : But you aren't..
Cynthia : Okay party pooper.
Cameron : -laugh- Are you staying over?
Cynthia : I would love nothing more!

𝙳𝚘𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝙰𝚏𝚏𝚊𝚒𝚛Where stories live. Discover now