14 - 𝚄𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚐𝚗𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚢

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T W O - M O N T H S - L A T E R
Cameron's Apartment

T W O - M O N T H S - L A T E RCameron's Apartment

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Cameron : -opens door- What do you want...
Gabriela : I have something to tell you. -walks in-
Cameron : Oh of course come in! -eye roll-
Gabriela : Here!
Cameron : What's this?
Gabriela : Open it!

I opened the envelope and carefully read the paper that was inside.


Cameron : It's not mine.
Gabriela : Oh but it is. The time frame matches perfectly with the time we slept together.
Cameron : Thanks to that you ruined my relationship!!
Gabriela : i didn't do anything!
Cameron : You fucking drugged me!!
Gabriela : You can't prove that!!
Cameron : It doesn't take a genius to figure it out. I don't get drunk with one drink!
Gabriela : Apparently you do.
Cameron : This kid isn't mine!
Gabriela : Don't believe me? Let's go take a DNA test!
Cameron : Fine!

We went to the clinic but we need an appointment so we scheduled it for next week. After that, Gabriela went back to work and I went to Bianca's company. I need to talk to her..

Mendoza Enterprises
Bianca's Office

Mendoza Enterprises Bianca's Office

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Bianca : Come in!
Cameron : Hey Bi..
Bianca : Oh hey Cam! Take a seat. We have a pending conversation.
Cameron : -sits- I know what you're going to say. You're going to reproach me what I supposedly did to Cynthia.
Bianca : Supposedly? Cam she showed me some evident pictures of your actions.
Cameron : It's not what it looks like.
Bianca : Hm
Cameron : Bianca, I swear, I was drugged that night. Gabriela came in offering to have one drink with her saying she'd leave me alone for good. I drank the glass of wine to have her leave but after I drank it everything went black. The next morning I wake up next to her with no memory of what happened.
Bianca : ....Deadass?
Cameron : You know I love Cynthia more than anything. I would never betray her like that..
Bianca : Oh Cam- I've tried telling her to hear you out but the moment I say your name she changes the subject.
Cameron : Where can I find her?
Bianca : She's in New York.
Cameron : What?
Bianca : Yeah Darren's expanding the company so they moved over there for awhile.
Cameron : Can you try calling her? I need to talk to her..
Bianca : Let's try

She dialed Cynthia's number placing her phone flat on the table. She made sure to put it on speaker.

-phone call-

Cynthia : Hello?
Cameron : Cyn?
Cynthia : ...
Cameron : We need to talk-
Cynthia : -ends call-
Bianca : See.....she wants nothing with you unfortunately..
Cameron : What am I gonna do? On top of that Gabriela's pregnant!
Bianca : WHAT?! Are you sure it's yours?!
Cameron : The time frame matches but we scheduled an appointment for a DNA test.
Bianca : Shit Cam..
Cameron : Do you know when she comes back?
Bianca : Nope
Cameron : Where in New York is she?
Bianca : I don't know. She won't tell me because she thinks I'll pass over the information to you.
Cameron : She hates me that much?
Bianca : She doesn't hate you. She's hurt and when she's hurt she pushes people away. It's her way to try to forget. You should know how she is by now.
Cameron : Yea I know..
Bianca : I'm going to help you as much as I can.
Cameron : Is she and Darren together? Like actually?
Bianca : Um- they're.....yeah.,.
Cameron : She loves me. I know she does...
Bianca : She's doing it out of despair. Darren is actually catching feelings though.
Cameron : Luisa confessed she has feelings for me and I don't know what to do. She's sweet and has been there for me ever since I lost Cynthia. I don't want to hurt her but I know I can't correspond.
Bianca : I'd say try to fight for Cynthia. If she doesn't want to try anymore then try with Luisa. Just be honest with her about your feelings. Oh and I can assure you that'll piss Cynthia off. That'll be your chance.
Cameron : I don't want to use Luisa though.
Bianca : You won't be using her since that's not exactly your goal. Just don't cheat on her. Not even with Cynthia.
Cameron : You think that's a great idea?
Bianca : Try it!

Adrian and Bianca's House

-phone call-

Bianca : Why did you hang up earlier?
Cynthia : I didn't want to talk to that certain asshole.
Bianca : -sigh- Cynthia you should really-
Cynthia : Anyway how you been? How's Adrian and the kids?
Bianca : We're all fine.
Cynthia : Oh that's great!
Bianca : Mhm
Cynthia : So? Anything new?
Bianca : No- actually yes! Oh my god you're going to die!
Cynthia : I am?
Bianca : After I tell you this yes.
Cynthia : Shoot me!
Bianca : Gabriela is pregnant!!
Cynthia : Oh?
Bianca : It's Cameron's!
Cynthia : Good for him but I don't give a shit!
Bianca : Cynthia he was-
Cynthia : You haven't asked me how I am. My baby bump is growing!
Bianca : He has the right to know.
Cynthia : I've said multiple times that he lost that right! Now stop talking about him please I don't want to know anything about him!
Bianca : Ugh you're stubborn!!
Cynthia : No I'm just not stupid.
Bianca : -facepalm- Lord!

These past two months have been hard for me. No matter how hard I try I can't forget about him.

Darren and I are trying to make this work. We've kissed, we've slept together and now we're sharing the same bed. Deep down I'm doing it to forget about Cameron. I know I'm playing with Darren's feelings but I'm going crazy. It's not fair for him. I know! But he's my husband after all.

2 - W E E K S- L A T E R

Doctor : The results are here.
Gabriela : And?
Doctor : It's a match!
Cameron : What...?
Doctor : Congratulations!!

To be continued.....

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