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Grabbing my bags out of my car and closing the trunk I turn around and take a deep breath, one more year and I'm done with college, and then it's out in the world and be an adult. I'm not very good at adulting and I know most of my friends aren't either, except maybe Ellie, she seems very responsible, like killing the spider when I'm screaming on the couch, or remembering to close the window when it's raining while I, on the other hand, hate spiders and couldn't care less about the rain getting in and getting the floor wet.

I look down at the list mom gave me last weekend to find the first thing I'm supposed to do, 1. Find dorm. Okay, that can't be very hard. I walk into the building and it's filled with students, students I have seen before and new students, "Next," The two ladies at the desk yell in sync, I push forward in the crowd and walk over to her, "Name," she says, I look at her for a second forgetting my name, "Uh, Y/n Brooks," I say, she glances over the list on her clipboard and flips through some of the papers, "room 209, do not lose the key you won't get a new one," She says and I grab the key and a pamphlet out of her hand, "Next," she yells out signaling for me to leave her desk.

203, 205, 207, ah! 209

I count the numbers in my head and stick the key into the keyhole unlocking the door, the room is not very interesting, with two beds, two desks, a window, and some closet space, "this is it? wow, it's small," A girl standing behind me says, I turn to look at her and it's a new face, "Sorry, I'm Alice," She sticks her hand out, and I grab it and shake it "Y/n," I say and smile and walk further into the room. "You want left or right?" She asks me, "I don't mind," I shrug, and she walks over to the left bed a throws on her suitcase. I do the same and we both start unpacking, hanging posters on the walls, putting sheets on our beds, placing books, and everything else.

"Wow, what's with all the pictures?" she asks me gesturing to the box of polaroids that are sitting on my bed, I take the box from the bed and sit down, "Sit, I'll show you," I say and she sits. I pick up a picture, "This is my mom and her boyfriend," I hand it to her and pick up the next photo, "This is my cat, Norman, and holding Norman is Alex who goes to this school as well," I tell her, "We also have a group photo of all my friends from this school, Alex, Ellie, Melanie, Casper, Sophia, Brooke, Louis, Me, Dawn and Elliot," I say, she traces over the photo with her finger.

We go through most of the photos and I explain the situations and people in most of them, "Okay, so I have seen photos of, your best friends, your mom and stepdad, your grandparents, cat, dog, dead fish, beach, but where is your father,?" She asks me, I stand up and take the box from her, "He died before I got my camera," I look down at the box in my hand, "but it doesn't matter, it is what it is," I say and put the box on my desk.

A knock on the door sound breaking the silence, I shake off the sadness and go to open the door.

"Y/n, let's go come on," It's Alex, my best friend since kindergarten, "Where?" I ask him confused, "The field in the middle of the school, everybody is gathered there meeting each other," He says almost jumping up and down like a little child, "Okay, fine, Alice you wanna come?" I turn and ask the girl behind me. "Yeah, sure," She responds and grabs her phone out of the charger, "Let's go come on the rest of the group is down there," Alex pulls the both of us out the door and grabs my keys to lock it behind us.

"Dude stop with the pushing, I know how to walk," I exclaimed and he let go of me. "So, Alice, what are you here to study?" He asks her, she has been walking in silence since we left our dorm, "Uh, I think I'm going with English literature. You?" I make a face and look over at him, I know we are going to spend the next 15 minutes hearing his future plan, which always changes.

I wait for him to say something but he doesn't, I stop and look at him, "You good?" I ask him and puts a hand on his arm, "Yeah, I just for once don't have an answer," He says sadly, I hug him and he hugs me back, "Well, I'm studying law, I've always wanted to be a lawyer and both my mother, father, and sister are lawyers so I'm just following in my families footsteps," I blabber and looks at her. The next thing I know Alex is saying my name and I bump into someone, "God, I'm so sorry, my best friend is kinda clumsy," Alex apologizes to the woman in front of me who just dropped some papers, and spilled coffee on herself.

I lean down to grab them for her and see my name on one of them, I hand her the papers and just stare at her, "You know it's rude to stare, right?" Alice chimes in, I shake my head and look at her, "What?" I ask confused, "Nevermind, again, we're sorry, let's go," Alex follows up and we walk away.

Who was that? Why did she have my name on her paper? Is she my new teacher? "Y/n?" Someone waves their hand in front of my face and pulls me out of my head, "What sorry?" I mumble, "Sophia, Melanie, and Casper are here, sitting next to you, talking to you," He points out, "sorry, I'm here," I say and look at him for a brief moment before my thoughts wander off again, "whatever you say," He says annoyed. "Hey, where you going?" Casper yells after me, I am walking back to my room to lie down, my head has been bothering me for a little while since I got here.


"Y/n, wake up, we've got class," Somebody shakes me to try and wake me up, I groan and open my eyes, Alice is beginning to get ready, rushing around in and out of the bathroom putting in earrings, putting on mascara, checking her phone, back to the bathroom, and finally rummaging through her closet looking for something.

"What's the rush?" I ask her jokingly, "It's 7.45, we have class in 30 minutes and breakfast is ending in 10," She tells me, I panic and fall out of my bed making her stop and burst out laughing at me, "Stop laughing and help me get ready," I laugh.

She helps me get up and in a matter of seconds, I am in my black cargos with a white cropped knit sweater and in my converse. I don't have time to do my make up so that's gonna have to be later, "Here, hair elastic" She says and throws it at me, "What's this for?" I ask her confused and look at it laying in my hand, "I know for a fact you haven't showered since you got here, so put your hair up" She informs me and I do as she suggests.

"What class do you have first?" I ask her as we are walking towards the cafeteria, "English," She smiles and we walk through the doors to an almost empty cafeteria, "I'll just grab an apple and a granola, you want anything?" I ask her, "No thanks," She responds and walks over to the tray with water, "Water? really?" I laugh at her, "What? I like water," She says and takes a sip from her paper cup.

"It just isn't real breakfast that's all" I shrug "But you do you," I tell her and we part to go to our first class.

My first class is business law, which to me sounds real boring, but I gotta do what I can to follow my family legacy.

A/N: This is now kickstarted. What do we think? I know this part is kinda boring but I have to start it off somewhere. Anyways, this is my first story that isn't imagines so I am trying, it probably won't be my best work but it's better than the first draft.

If you have any questions or things you want to have in this story comment and I'll see what I can do.

Take care, love you<3

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