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We are five minutes into class and I already want to leave, luckily Alex hasn't shown up yet so that's a bonus. I need to talk to him and tell him that I'm done with him, even though it will destroy our friend group, especially if I come clean about everything he's done to me. 

 "Guys, I know you are tired and I know it's Friday but 75 more minutes and we are done," Miss Johansson tells us, "Now, we are going to be working on your homework for today also known as contracts according to validity. So can anybody tell me what a void agreement is?" She asks us. 

A woman raises her hand and she picks her, "A void agreement is in short an agreement with no legal value,  as an example if a gang of thieves may make an agreement to steal a valuable painting and split the proceeds evenly. But if one party in the agreement does not receive a fair share, he cannot take the others to court for not fulfilling the contract, since the contract is considered legally void." She recites from the book lying in front of her. 

"That is correct, now what about a void contract?" 

This time multiple people raise their hands and she picks the man who is sitting next to me, "Brooks, would you mind answering this question?" Hearing her just saying my name sends chills down my spine, makes my heart beat faster and my breathing shallow trying to control it. 

"Right, a void contract, a void contract or void agreements refer to agreements that are against the law, are not fair, or against public policy," I repeat what the woman said, but I guess that's what happens when I don't do my homework properly. 

"That is somewhat correct, but I assume that since everyone in here did the homework someone would be able to add to what Y/n just said," She smiles at me and look around at the others. 

" 'void ab initio' refers to a contract which is ineffective from the start because it is against the law or public policy, compared to a contract which was voided at the request of one of the contracting parties.  Examples of a void contract include the following. A marriage annulled by a court decision or A contract that was mutually canceled," A woman in the back says without being picked to talk, which from how much I have come to know Scarlett in a very short time has to have pissed her off. 

"Thank you, what's your name?" She asks the woman and stands against her desk, but nobody responds, "Well if you think your answer is important enough to not get permission to share, I think we all deserve to know your name," She states and the woman stands up. 

"My name is Charlotte Lee Callahan," replies and Miss Johansson looks at her a little confused. 

"Do you by any chance know Alex Lee who isn't here today," She asks her. His name coming out of her mouth is almost disgusting to me, but then again she is a teacher, his teacher so she doesn't have a choice but to address him by name. 

"No, I don't, and I don't use Lee," She responds and sits back down. 

"Okay back to the homework, a voidable contract," She says and people raise their hands as if they are picking apples from a tree. "A voidable contract is an agreement which is enforceable by law at the option of one or more parties thereto, but not at the option of the other or others is a voidable contract," She says and picks up a piece of chalk and starts writing on the board behind her. 

" One:  When the consent of a party of a contract is not free the contract is voidable at his or her option and Two: When a party to a contract promises to perform all obligations within a specified time, any failure on his or her part to perform his or her obligation within the fixed time makes the contract voidable at the option of the promises." She says as she writes it on the board for people to write down. 

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