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This has been kind off proofread so sorry for mistakes :>

Scarlett POV

I look at her, mascara is running down her cheeks and her lipstick is smudged, a pillow has been thrown on the floor and one of the couch cushions has been flipped, I stand and walk out to the dishwasher, a used wine glass is standing in the top drawer, along with two plates with some sort of sauce on it, an extra pair of utensils in the utensils holder.

I walk to the bathroom and open the trashcan, a pair of false eyelashes is at the bottom, the shower curtain is wet and so is the mat on the floor, there is a short red hair on the drain, and neither Y/n nor I have red hair.

I have seen this before, my ex-husband did it too, I go out with a friend, I come home and he is dick fucking deep in his assistant in his office at our old apartment, the same assistant who was supposed to be my friend, now I don't know who Y/n had fun with but I sure as hell hope she has a good explanation for this because if I find out she brought Alice back here and fucked her on my couch I am going to murder her.

"I don't wear false eyelashes, your hair isn't wet, neither of us has short red hair and I know damn well you have better dignity than to eat off of two fucking plates, so you know have two choices, 1. You pack your shit and get your ass out of here, or 2. You tell me, who the fuck you brought here, to my house, had dinner with, in my kitchen, let shower in my bathroom, fucked on my couch, and then sneaked out of here in a matter of four hours," I snap at her.

She empties her glass and gently places it back on the coffee table, "Miss Olsen, is who I was with," She mumbles, I laugh at her, like actually, out loud, laughing at her, "Oh Y/n, sweet sweet Y/n," I say and rub my forehead.

"There are two things wrong with that explanation, 1. She's your fucking sister-in-law and 2. I was with her at the bar two blocks from the university since you left after you spoke with her," I explain and she looks at me, "So, I'm going to ask you again, who did you bring into my house?" I command.

She doesn't say anything, she just stands up and walks over to me, "What if, we both just calm down, take a shower, light the fireplace, call in sick tomorrow and just stay here," She whispers and puts her hands on my chest, snaking them around my body, closing in on me.

"Y/n, no, I am being serious," I clarify, her hand glides under my dress and she takes my panties off.

"Y/n, seriously," She gets down on her knees and starts kissing up and down my thighs.

"Y/n, I;" I stutter.

"Shhh, don't talk," She shushes me, I lean against the counter behind me and throw my head back, I bite my bottom lip, and my breath hitches when two of her fingers glide inside of me, fuck, I should be mad at her right now, but I can't think when she is sitting on her knees in front of me.

She pulls her fingers out and stands up in front of me, she puts her fingers in my mouth and makes me lick them clean before she leans in and our lips connect, her fingers glide back inside of me this time actually moving.

I moan into her mouth and my back arches when she starts moving at the correct pace, her thump starts rubbing on my clit, I tilt my head backward and she starts kissing up and down my neck.

Sweat starts running down my chest, I grab onto her head grabbing a clump of hair to keep her where she is, she kisses my lips again and carefully bites my bottom lip.

"Y/n, we need to stop this," I tell her in between small moans, she smirks and looks at me.

"I know, but then I'm gonna have to take my fingers out," She tells me, I rethink for a second and shake my head. "Okay then," She adds and sits back down on her knees.

I once again rethink this whole thing and realize how stupid this is, this is mind-blowingly stupid, sure the sex is also mind-blowing, but this whole situation is just stupid, I am having sex with a woman who cheated on me and then lied about it.

"Y/n I'm serious, stop," This time she actually stops, I get off the counter and stand inches away from her, I want to kiss her, I want her to kiss me, but I don't, I put my panties back on and empty the bottle of wine.

"Until you wanna be honest with me, get the fuck out of my house," I demand, "When I wake up tomorrow morning, I want all of your shit out of here, and you can leave the key by the door when you walk out," I tell her and grab another bottle of wine, I make my way up the stairs and into my bedroom.

I wake up the next morning because of the sunlight reflecting on the surface of the lake water, I'm staying home the next couple of days to figure out what I want to do, I could quit my job and move to another state, or just change classes at the school, trying to avoid running into Y/n until she feels like giving me an explanation.

I put on my red and black silk robe and walk downstairs to make coffee, the coffee machine starts making the coffee and I put more cat food into their bowls, both my cats come running and the food rustles against the sides of the bowls and sometimes hit the floor which tells me they are enjoying it.

I grab my coffee and sit on the floor in front of the patio door, a layer of snow is covering the patio and the grass outside. My phone rings, unknown number, plaster the top of the screen.

"Hey it's Lizzie, you gave me your number last night, anyway, I noticed you weren't in your office this morning so I just wanted to check if you are okay,"

Well, that's sweet.

"Yeah, I'm okay, just decided to stay home with my cats taking a break and all for the next few days," I tell her and smile as if she could see it.

"I love cats, how many do you have?"

"Two, a really fat black cat and a grey kitten, Mousy and Nika," I explain, "You could come over later if you want to," I add and look down at my cats.

"Yeah, that would be fun, then I could tell you about all the gossip in the teacher's lounge today," She says making me laugh, "After work sound good?" She asks me.

"Sure, just text me after work and I'll text you my address,"

We say goodbye mostly because I know class is starting again soon and because I actually need to shower, eat breakfast, and clean my house, which I don't really want to do but I kinda have to, but I think I'll do it in the order shower, clean, breakfast so the food counts as a reward for cleaning and such or else I won't get it done.

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