Chapter Four

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"Hello?" Samuel called.

"Holy shit!" cried a man’s voice on the other line. "Samuel, is that you?" 

Samuel went outside, toward the back and leaned against the railing as he swallowed his saliva and his pride once again. "Yes, it’s me," he said. 

"God damn! I didn’t realize your voice would be that deep. How’ve you been?"

Samuel shrugged as if the man could see him. "I’ve been all right. You?"

"I’ve been... okay. I got the punishment of a lifetime a few years ago, but I’ll tell you all about that when I see you on Saturday. Anyway, I want to know what you’ve been up to lately. I heard you went to college," Samuel’s father said.

"Yeah. I’m going to be a teacher for the third graders at Weston Elementary," Samuel replied.

"That’s cool. It’s a respectable job, too." His father paused. "Samuel, you sound a little apprehensive. Is there something wrong?"

Samuel flinched. Shit. Am I that readable? he thought. "Well…" he started.

"Samuel, I know what I did was wrong, and you have every right to hate me for what I did, but please— "

Samuel groaned to cut him off. "I know. I’ve heard the speech before, but I can’t help it. I found someone special in my life and I want you to meet them, but I don’t know if you’ll like it. When you get to know me, you’ll know that I do this often." 

There was silence on the other line for a few moments before Sam’s father spoke again. "You are so much like your mother," he said. "I’m sorry that I ever left you two."

Samuel relaxed just a little. "Mom told me that you have someone you wanted us to meet. May I ask who?" he asked.

His father laughed. "No. That's for me to know and you to find out on Saturday," he said. Samuel hung his head and chuckled. "Damn it. I was hoping you’d spill," he confessed, causing his father to laugh again. 

There were a few moments of silence before a beeping came from Samuel’s phone. He looked at it and found another unknown number calling him. "Okay, I need to let you go, dad. I have someone else calling me," he said. 

"Okay, son. See you Saturday."

Samuel recoiled at being called son for the first time in nearly two decades. "See you then," he replied. Samuel hung up on that and quickly answered the other call. "Hello?"

"Hi, my name is Scarlett Baker, the Principal of Weston Elementary School, and I’m looking to speak to Samuel Carter, please."


"Oh, good. I heard you were coming to work at my school to assist one of our teachers. I was just calling to confirm you still wanted the position."

"Yes, of course!" Samuel answered.

"That's what I like to hear. I hope you and I will get along nicely. I was wondering when you’d be available, so I can introduce you to the teacher you’ll be assisting, then discuss a few other things with you."

"I’m available right now, actually, if that’s all right with you." Samuel looked behind him when he heard the door open and found Trevor.  It’s my new boss, he mouthed. Trevor nodded while he stood next to him.

"That is more than perfect, Samuel. What time can I expect you today?" they asked. Samuel began to get excited. "You can expect to see me around noon, today." He didn't bother asking, he knew he was scheduling a meeting.

"Wonderful! I will see you at noon today," Scarlett confirmed. "Thank you so much, Samuel and I will see you in a few hours. Buh-Bye."

"See you then. Bye." Samuel hung up the call and looked at Trevor. "That was my new boss. I’m meeting him at noon today, so I can meet the teacher I’m assisting and talk about further arrangments." 

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