Chapter 13

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Y/ns pov

I woke up it took me a moment to process the events from yesterday but once it clicked I sighed

"He really did try to kill me huh?" I say aloud as I get up and walk over to my closet and pick out a (favorite color) dress that my uncle got me I put it on and went to the bathroom to comb my hair after I did I grabbed my white gloves put them on grabbed some accessories put those on as well and headed downstairs for breakfast

"Ah! Dynast! Please sit down!" Hazel said as I laughed a bit smiled and sat down

Hazel left the room as Heri came busting in

"Y/n I need your help!" He said as I took a bite out of my food and looked at him

"With?" I said after I finished swallowing

"Proposing" he whispered in my ear as my eyes widened and lit up

"EEEKKK!" I said as I got up from my chair and started jumping up and down my hands flapping

"Shhh! She'll hear you!" Heri said as I stopped

"Sorry!" I said as I sat back down

"Easy Hazel likes plants right?" I asked as he nodded

"Take her to this garden" I said as I took out a business card out of my pocket

"But I want us to be alone!" He said as I looked at my food then at him

"If you call ahead you can get them to make it private for you" I said as he nodded

"I recommend doing that at sunset though so in the meantime" I said as I grabbed another business card out of my pocket (Y/n is like me we have a collection of business cards 🤩)

"Take her out for breakfast this is an old timey restaurant which Hazel loves those" I say as he nods

"And if you have more time before the big plan take her shopping to her favorite store" I said as I pulled yet again another business card out of my pocket and a gift card

"Great!" He said as I took out five other business cards and hand it to him

"This will be for lunch, this one's for a Ferris Wheel, this one's for ice cream, this one's for bikes just in case, and this one's for a man I know who can get you a good ring" I said as he nodded I took another bite out of my food

"It's like you're an expert at proposing!" Heri said as I almost choked on my food but swallowed it

"Well as someone who's been proposed to 23 times I should know the right things to do and besides she's one of my best friends! I know her better then everyone even better than you her boyfriend!" I said as I drank my water

"The audacity!" He said dramatically as I sighed

"You never change even as an adult" I said as I finished my food

"What's that supposed to mean!" He said as I looked at him

"You know full well what I mean anyways I'm heading to my room and tell me when Kai calls!" I said as I rushed up the stairs before he could say another word I slam the door open as I'm out of breath

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