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"Okay.....Really?!........Ill see you soon!" I hung up and walked out to the back yard where Tyler was, "Adam and Alesa are coming to Sydney for 2 weeks..." Tyler looked at me and smiled, "Thats good, Skye you need a prego buddy!" I lightly hit him, "Shut up" He laughed.

I sat down in the grass and looked at the sky, then I relised I needed to look for a wedding dress! I'll wait for Alesa, Im really gonna need her help. Then again I have been planning m wedding since I was like 12.....

I ran into the house and into our room. I pulled a box out from underneath the bed and opened it . I looked at all the old things in in, My old yearbooks, old photos, and my wedding scrapbook....

I pulled the scrapbook out of the box and sat down on the bed. I opened it to the first page and I saw a letter.

Dear Future Skylar Jones,

When you open this you're either 1. Looking at it for fun to remember how fab these plans were or when you're getting married and needing to plan.... Gosh I can't wait to get married. I hope it's to a really great guy... OH I hope it's Josh..... I really like Josh.... ANYWAYS Future me..... You're probably looking at this and thinking "Wow.... I was mentally insane. Then again you're me and probably still like that now.... But If you're reading this because your getting married, I know this wedding will be amazing.... I cant wait to see it.

With Love

- 12 year old Skylar Jones

I smiled and flipped the page, There I saw old Polaroid pictures of my best friends and I, along with a picture of Reagan and I. I looked at the top of the page and it was titled "Bridesmaids" I turned the page and saw A page full of picture of flowers.

The next page had bridesmaids dresses and cake pictures... I was flipping through the book, and finally came to the last page and It was titled "My Dress" It was long and white, with a v-neck and a white and silver belt...

I still loved it...

I closed the book and and went back outside and sat down next to Tyler, "You've been out here for a while.... whats wrong?" "Nothing im just so happy we're going to have a family.... I'm thinking about how the kids room is going to look or how the back yard will look...yunno with like a swing set or something...." I smiled, "Look at what I found." I said while I put the book in his lap,"Whats this?" "My wedding scrapbook I made when I was 12...."

He started to flip through the pages and was smiling, he finally came to the last page and saw the dress..... He ran his fingers over the magazine picture and smiled more, "I love it..." "So do I." I said while I kissed his cheek. He looked at me and closed the book. He brushed a piece of hair out of my face and kissed me.

Soon enough it became a cliche make-out scene in our backyard.

HAY! So Sadly this book will be ending soon... ;-; I mean not until like 50 or 60 chapters but thats kinda close..... but anyways I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! Love y'all lots! Stay Fab!

-Erin <3

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