4. Smartass

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"What the fuck you want from me you fuckface?"

Chris says passing a glare to Rio who opens his mouth to speak but silently sits back down while I take my time to examine Chris.

His eyes are a light shade of brown and skin glowing like the moon, smoother than porcelain dishes and teeth pearly white. If he were to become a girl he'd be the prettiest one out there.

"What is your skincare routine?" I blurt out and he finally notices my presence eyeing me up and down. "Water." He answers nonchalantly before turning to Rio.

"Why did you wake me up?" He asks, calmly this time. Rio looks at him and then looks away. "I think you hurt his feelings." I interject and Rio glances at me wiping his fake tears. That's probably his favourite gesture.

"Well, he can cry himself a river, build a bridge and get over it." Sebastian goes "ooh" and Rio kicks Chris from under the table and the table goes quiet after the little chaotic scene. "So she's the girl?" Chris asks and Rio nods. What girl? "You do know that you're the only female worker in this whole company, right? Just don't get on my nerves and we'll be okay." Chris asks and my un-asked questions are answered in a swift move. Exactly why I didn't see any women because there's none.

"What? But why? That's... Weird."

"Archer doesn't want to have female worker. He has a severe deprecation towards woman." Sebastian explains. "He prefers men." Rio adds and my eyes widen. "You mean he's- oh my god he likes men?" I ask, feeling my heart shatter into millions of pieces.

The person I fell for, the one I wanted to spend my future with, he... He doesn't prefer my own species. Men fascinate him. I collect the tiny pieces of my heart and put them in a corner when I hear a laugh.

"What?" I ask, confused while Rio laughs his ass out falling to the floor. Chris gives him a glare and scoots his chair away from Rio. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Whatever you're thinking, you're right Ivy." Sebastian says, controlling his own laugh.

I don't understand what's so funny about this situation. I know they don't know about my crush on their boss-friend but their laugh just breaks my heart in even tinier pieces. Might as well just grind it so I can drink it back as a whole.

I sigh repeating in my mind.

Archer Black is gay.

We part ways but not before I get to know that Sebastian works in the software department and Chris doesn't work here at all. He's a lawyer and he stays here as Archer's personal lawyer. His work is to keep a checklist of all the taxes and make sure no company work is crossing the paths of being legal.

Rio shows me my small cubicle at the end of the hallway on Archer's floor and my rest of the day is passed by making pinterest boards and waiting for Archer to call me in for any sort of work.


The clock hits 7 and I stand up from my seat. It's time to leave and Archer never once told me to do any work. Something seems weird and since I miss my future boyfriend- who probably has a man- I'll go inside and check in on him.

Holding my phone in my hands, I make my way towards the main cabin accidentally bumping my shoulder against an employee but before I can try to apologise he bursts his anger on me.

"Can you not see while you walk? Are those eyes just for show or what?" He scolds like we have some personal rivalry giving me such a hard glare that I'm left stunned. "Exactly why women shouldn't be in here, they have no work ethic. I thought this place was free of them." I blink at him and he walks away hitting my shoulder yet again.

"What... ?" It takes me a few seconds to recover from the shock and when I turn back he's already gone. "Don't mind him. " I flinch back at the voice and turn wide eyed only to find a young man, with blue eyes covered with glasses wearing a button up white shirt with navy blue pants. A typical definition of a worker on this floor.

"Mr. Chubukov's wife cheated on him and ran away when he was still young, so at this old age, he just hates women. Working women." He finishes, finally noticing my surprised expression and takes two steps back smiling sheepishly, a dimple pops up on his right cheek.

"Sorry... Didn't mean to scare you." His cheeks have a pink hue, he looks down and clutches his file near his chest. Aww he's shy.

"It's okay. I'm Iv-"

"Ivorie Grace. I know, everyone does because you know..." He trails off soon regaining his posture. "I'm Mark. We have opposite cubicles!" He beams, forwarding his hand and I shake it mirroring his smile.

It's so lovely to make new friends. I have never been good at making one as a kid or even a teenager. I only had two friends at school that too the ones who decided to talk to me on their own. So now that I'm an adult, I try to make friends. It's not hard but it's hard to have them stay.

"You look so adorable with that dimple. It should be illegal." I blurt out because it's too much to hold in. He blushes and I clutch my heart. "You must be a magician because Abraca-damn."

"Ivorie, please..." He looks at me with a broad smile and I chuckle. "So... Friends?" He asks, hesitantly and I gasp. "I thought we were friends by now."

"So are you leaving?" He asks looking at my bag and around the area to find most of the staff gone. "I was going to check up on Mr. Black. He didn't give me a single work the whole day." I mumble with a little pout and Mark furrows his brow.

"But Mr. Black went for a meeting in the afternoon and he was to go home from there." He says making me frown. "I was even wondering why you didn't go with him."

"What? That tangled headphone cord, he played me! He left without telling me so he could avoid me." I whisper yell and look at Mark dead in the eyes. Poor man flinches, blinking twice.

"How... very indecent of him." Mark stutters out and I feel content hearing that. "I'll see him tomorrow." I huff a puff of air and break into a smile. "See you tomorrow Marky."


"She's a mess of gorgeous chaos and you can see it in her eyes."


Do you think hackers are cool? Seb is.

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