El Cáncer

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A/n: This is your warning. There is smut in this chapter. I will have the beginning and the end marked with this emoji, '⚠️', if you want to skip over it.

- Emma :)

~~~~Word count: 3,401~~~~

Sister Margaret's - 1st person POV

I began sipping on my new drink, that hopefully won't go all over me again, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and was met with the most attractive man I had ever seen. He looked a bit shocked, almost as if he had expected me to ignore that small amount of contact.

"Wade," he said, holding out his hand. I glanced at it before responding.

"Wade? So you're the guy that riled up Buck." Wade looked a bit guilty as he retracted his hand.

"Yeah, sorry about that," he apologized, gesturing at my soaked clothes. "Let me buy the next round?"

He's got those puppy dog eyes. I don't think I could refuse him even if I wanted to.

"Go ahead, Casanova." I waved a hand at the seat next to me, a silent invitation to sit down.

"So what's a nice place like you doing in a girl like this?" He asked with a dopey smile on his face.

"The fight wasn't enough for you to guess?"

"Oh, no. It was. I'm well aware that you are a merc. I just wanted to hear you say it." I rolled my eyes, a small ghost of a smile appearing on my face. "What got you into it?" He asked.

"Do you really want to know, or do you just want to get in my pants?"

He looked deep into my eyes, fuck, and let out a sigh.

"A little bit of both?"

"I prefer a date or two before the foreplay starts." A girl's got an itch to scratch every once in a while.

"Let's go right now then," he said, holding out a hand. I grab it, and before we stand up he says, "Wait, I didn't quite catch your name."

"That's because I didn't give it to you... it's y/n."

Arcade - 3rd person POV

"It's time to put balls in holes," Wade says, excitement clear in his face. Y/n looks half amused, half weirded out. "You said you only do foreplay after a date or two."

"I get it. You love skeeball just as much as you do vagina," y/n said.

"That's a tough call. You brought this upon yourself, y'know." Y/n playfully glares at Wade before he continues.

"Truth is, I'm actually going to enjoy getting to know the real you." Y/n smiles at this remark before bending down and grabbing two balls, handing one to Wade.

"The real me is going to wipe the floor with you," she says, turning to line up her first shot. With precision, she rolls the ball just hard enough to make it into the 50,000 point hole. She turns towards Wade with a proud smile on her face.

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