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"Did you hear Jackson got expelled?" Nayeon asked.

Although she was your friend, and a good one at that, you couldn't help but notice she was quite the gossip fiend. She was always talking about somebody. That attractive, tall girl that cheated on her boyfriend in block C or Mina, and her current victims that she chose to torture throughout the school. Of course, you were her No. 1 target.

"He cheated on his exams last year or something like that." She rambled on carelessly.

She ignored the glares she received for almost bumping into someone every five steps. You couldn't help but feel attracted to her recklessness. It wasn't your usual bad girl type of negligence, but rather an innocent one.

"Isn't that Momo?"

You cut her off amidst her rant.
Looking up at the girl hysterically rushing into the bathroom, she nodded, continuing to talk about everything and everyone. You were sure there wasn't a single thing in the world she hadn't ranted about already.

"You go to your locker. I'll meet you there," you said.

She pouted but obliged. The second she was out of your vision, you rushed into the girl's bathroom. Momo was in the middle stall, sobbing gently. At this very moment, you knew it would be better to walk away and act as though you hadn't seen anything, but you couldn't bring yourself to leave. Instead, you did the contrary, and your feet had gravitation pull to in front of the stall she was in. 

"Hey, Momo. Are you alright?" You asked with worry laced in your voice.

Momo wasn't used to such comfort. Mina's tongue was rather venomous, and Sana's was seductive. Her parents at home didn't pay her much mind, only focused on their debt. Momo felt a warm feeling in her stomach as you spoke to her. It was something she hadn't felt in a long time.

"It's not Momo,"

Her voice was deepened gradually in a desperate attempt to disguise herself.

"I can see your purse."

A sudden manicured hand snatched the bag off the ground and continued to deny the accusations. If Mina had found out she was crying, she'd be livid. Imagine if word got out? Their reputation would be destroyed, and the thought of Mina's reaction could only make her shudder in fear.

"Just come out. I only want to help," 

There was a loud click, signifying the lock had been undone. You stepped back to give the Japanese woman some space only to see her more deranged than you could've ever imagined. Her forehead produced a thick layer of sweat which caused her hair to stick to it in all different types of ways. Her mascara was running down her puffed, red cheeks, and her neck was slick with tears.

"You poor thing,"

That was all you could mutter out before you felt someone collide with you. Her arms were wrapped around your waist as she sobbed into your chest. You were sure that your shirt was now matted with tears and snot, but you couldn't care less about that right now. Tunnel vision was locked onto Momo and Momo only.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

You run your fingers through her unkempt, tangled hair. When she tried to raise her head and speak, she only sobbed harder. Her head slammed back into your chest. Since you guys weren't close, you were unsure of what to do. Should you pacify her with words or actions? Would it be too far if you hugged her?

"I'm just such a mess," she muffled against you.

Her voice was incoherent, like a toddler's first words, but you tried your best to understand. She refused to hoist her head up to talk, so you were stuck desperately trying to decipher her.

"No, you're not. You're gorgeous, intelligent, and funny,"

You didn't know what you were saying, but you prayed it would calm her down.

"You don't even know me," she whined, pushing herself deeper and wrapping her arms around you.

Stiff as a board, you vetoed any form of movement. Anyone unaware of the situation would've sworn you were arthritic. Your arms were positioned uncomfortably at your sides and your head was tilted upward.

"You're so awkward," she groaned, "hug me back."

You enwrapped her compliantly in your arms, allowing her much more leeway to move around your body. Momo seemed to have stopped crying and was much more grounded. Despite the lack of tears protruding from her eyes, she didn't let go. Instead, she dug her face deeper into your chest.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" You asked cautiously. 

Your hand was etching shapes into the small of her back, and in response, she purred. Her body was loose and unhinged in your arms, giving you access to comfort her in any way you desired. But no matter what you did, you felt that she wanted more.

She looked up, her eyes bulging out of her head, resembling those of a frog's. The circumference of them was red-hued and puffed, but you felt as though she looked more beautiful. Everyone was so used to seeing a put-together and coordinated version of her, but her vulnerability was far more prepossessing. No longer was she sanctimonious or resilient, but rather susceptible to all and any forms of danger.

Your eyes flickered from hers to her lips. They were faintly smudged due to the collision with you and sodded with tears. Regardless of this, they were plump and inviting. It was almost as if they wanted to feel yours as painfully as you did hers. This wasn't like the suspense you felt with Nayeon. You didn't anticipate her attention as much as Momos. She made you queasy as if your stomach had just imploded.

Although you hated how disturbed that made you feel, you yearned for more.
Once again, you couldn't move, but you didn't need to. Momo placed a hand on your neck and tilted her head slightly, eagerness prominent in her demeanor. Suddenly, a door slammed open and you were both met with a pair of rather angry eyes.

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