School Days - Chapter 1

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 "Kai!" A loud voice shouted. Mrs. Jewel was in front of my desk with a furry filled face. I blinked up at her dazed.

"Yes Mrs. Jewel?" I replied. Her face was now more stern.

"How many times must I review this with you!?! You must pay attention in class if you want to succeed as a Fireborn. Detention!" Mrs. Jewel shouted back at me. I crumbled under her words. Someone in my class laughed. Mrs. Jewel looked at the boy laughing.

"Detention for you as well!" Mrs. Jewel snapped and walked back up to the White Board. Back to teaching while keeping an eye on me. This wasn't the first time I've had a detention. It was almost everyday now. It didn't shock me when it happened anymore. The yelling never got any easier though.

"What is the job of a Fireborn? Tana," Mrs. Jewel asked.

"A Fireborn's job is to keep the world warm with the gift of fire that the Council gave us," Tana answered.

"Teacher's Pet," I thought. Mrs. Jewel keep teaching and soon enough, I zoned out. It's not my fault that her class is boring. History is the most boring subject. Mrs. Jewel is also the worst teacher. Maybe there is a correlational. The bell rang not too long after. I began walking to my locker when I collided with something or more accurately someone. I looked down to see a girl with a blue crest stitched into her shirt. She was a Waterborn. I got up and stretched out my hand to her.

"I'm really sorry! Here let me help you up!" I said nervously. It was the first time I'd ever talked to someone who wasn't fireborn or a girl for that matter.

"Oh umm... Thanks!" The girl grabbed my hand as I helped her up. We both looked nervous.

"I'm uhh Kai. You?" I asked.

"Aqua! Nice to meet you Kai. I should get to class," Aqua replied. I shifted nervously as I looked at the clock.

"Yeah! Me too... See you later then?" I asked. Aqua nodded.

"Yep! See you later Kai!" Aqua said before walking off. A part of me felt a little sad. The Bell Rang. I had no time to think about Aqua or emotions. I had to get to class. I had math next. Even if this world was advanced, they still needed to teach us math. Skipping class would result in detention. I couldn't get any more detentions. I began walking to class.

"This is going to be a long day," I thought as I walked into the classroom.

This is an idea that I wrote down on google docs and then decided to move over here. Aren't I smart? Remember to drink some water!

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