Chapter 19: Hunter J , soon to be prisoner J.

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" hey ash let me eat some ketchup": poke speech.

" charizard is unable to battle": normal speech

" I AM HERE TO WIN": shouting /yelling.

( hmm he is cute): thoughts.

[ this is how ash is ....]: my explanation


ASH'S present pokemon: Gardevoir , Glaceon , Pikachu , Charizard , Meganium , Feraligatr, Pidgeot , Sceptile , Glalie , Swellow , Garchomp , Latias , Shinx , Starly , Milotic And Dratini.

some people seems to e confused by fairy dust in previous chapter . What Gardevoir did was accumulate a lot of fairy power , turning it into tiny sparkles of fair dust and spread it in the hall and then sent constant electric waves which buzzed through the dust creating a nice sound and feeling for whom it touches.

3rd person POV.

Ash sat in the audience as he looked at the other matches . The last match was Merry's one . She won it by the having 5% more appeal points by the end of the round. Ash then Marian fly down to the center after the judges give their inputs and made his way to the arena as Marian says " AND WITH THAT AMAZING ROUND , WE GOT OUR TOP 4 . THE FIRST MATCH WILL BE ASH KETCHUM VS MACKIE VERN. LETS WELCOME OUR CONTESTANTS. WE GOT MACKIE VERN FROM MY RIGHT SIDE.". 

A tall girl with teal hair and blue eyes came out in a white one piece as she gave a wide smile and waved at the audience as Marian continued " THEN WE HAVE ASH KETCHUM FROM MY LEFT SIDE.". Ash came out with a smile as he waved at various people cheering for him and stoop in his position looking calmly at Mackie. 

Marian then said " Release your pokemon.". Mackie took out a pokeball as she said " I have come prepared for your Gardevoir. Come on out Gengar.". Gengar appeared in a flurry of sparks as Marian commented " OOH , LOOKS LIKE OUR MACKIE IS GONG WITH THE TYPE ADVANTAGE.". Ash chuckled as he said " Whoever said I will use the same pokemon throughout the contest.". Ash then brought out a pokeball as he said " Come on out Sceptile.". Sceptile appeared in a flurry of leaves as it smirked towards Ash and looked at Genger.".

the timer began as Mackie started " Gengar use shadow ball.". Ash smirked as he said "Sceptile , cut the Shadow ball with leaf blade.".Sceptile smirked as he disappeared and crossed the shadow ball which exploded in sparks of dark energy as Mackie's appeal points decreased by 20%. 

Mackie gave a grim look as she said " use night dark pulse.". "Use protect Sceptile.". Sceptile produced a protective barrier around itself which negated the dark pulse as Ash said " NOW use Night slash.". Sceptile instantly appeared to Gengar's right side and slashed it with Night slash sending Gengar rolling back. Ash then clutched his hand and said " Finish this with assurance.". 

Sceptile fired assurance dealt double damage due to Genger just receiving damage in the same move and promptly fainted. Marian then flew over to Gengar and announced "GENGAR HAS FAINTED . THIS ROUND GOES TO ASH AND HIS SCEPTILE.". Ash gave Sceptile a fist bump as they chuckled. Mackie sighed as she said " Oh well, I need some more training before the grand festival.".  

Ash approached Mackie as he gave his hand for a hand shake and said " Hey , you did really well , you just need more experience with battling , I saw your visual round performance was really good, so battle with some trainers to get more experience.". Mackie gave a smile and accepted his hand shake as she said " Thank you very much for the advice , I hope you win the contest. Good luck." , and both turned to the judges who gave similar advice to Mackie as they complimented Ash's quick thinking on how to turn around each move.

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