chapter 3: party and ash to the rescue.

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" hey ash let me eat some ketchup": poke speech.

" charizard is unable to battle": normal speech

" I AM HERE TO WIN": shouting /yelling.

( hmm he is cute): thoughts.

[ this is how ash is ....]: my explanation.




i then said thanks to all my friends and mom who have come to wish me . I then decided to skip todays training and have fun since i will be leaving tomorrow to sabrina. After brushing my teeth i went down and ate breakfast along with prof,oak , mom , gary and misty who is dating each other , brock , max and may. 

After breakfast we just told each other what we did over the year, may said she caught many jhoto pokemon and is ready to challenge the hoenn region contests and max said that he is training with the ralts that he helped so that they will be ready for their journey. Misty and gary said they mostly went on dates and hung out with each other apart from their professions.

Brock said that he travelled sinnoh with someone named dawn who also participated in contests and that he caught new pokemon but never met any legendaries and gave me a map of sinnoh for my travels to which i thanked him. gary and misty gave me a new pokeball holder belt which supports 18 pokeballs which is the highest limit i can carry , may and max gave me a new red hat and red and white jacket , prof , oak gave me a pokenav for all the regions and mom gave me new pair of running shoes.

I said " thanks for the gifts guys , i will treasure them ". We then conducted a mini tournament among each other with the prize being a eevee which prof.Oak set up . we all agreed and the first matchup was brock vs gary in which gary won because of his blastoise and then my mom and max battled in which my mom easily with her mr.mime, at last it was me vs may . 

She said " well ash i have been training myself ever since so get ready to loose . Go blaziken.".i then held out 2 pokeballs and said" well may in these 2 pokeballs, one is a water type and other is a grass type, lets see your luck so choose one.". she then pondered for a while and then chose the one on my right hand.

I said " poor you may , you don't have good luck, go feraligatr". feraligatr then came out and gave  a huge roar and got into battle stance. Oak said " let the battle between may maple and ash ketchum begin.", may immediately started of by saying " blaziken , sky uppercut". blaziken's right arm lit up in white color and came charging towards feraligatr and i said " use ice punch". feraligatr 's right arm lit up and light blue color and charged towards blaziken at high speed and their fists slammed into each other which sent a air shockwave . i then said " quick use hydro pump and point blank" . 

may immediately felt alarmed and said " oh no blaziken dodge " but it was too late and blaziken took a point blank hydro pump which was super effective against it and got onto 1 knee but stood back up . May then said " come on blaziken we cant loose , use fire blast.". a huge letter shaped fire blast came towards feraligatr and i said " use aqua jet and tore through the fire blast." . feraligatr was surrounded with water and started gliding towards blaziken while tearing through the fire blast , may said " quick dodge " but blaziken was still feeling the pain from the hydro pump and was unable to dodge and got hit and then fainted.

PROF.OAK announced" blaziken has fainted , this match goes to ash and feraligatr and the next matchups will be  gary vs delia and ash vs me .", i then got serious since i know prof.oak was a powerful trainer and pulled out my strongest pokemon's pokeball while looking at it and muttered " looks like you will have a challenge today huh." the pokeball shook a few times and stopped and ash put it in his new belt that gary and misty gave , he then saw that his mom was holding a different pokeball and got curious since he never saw his mother with other pokemon .

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