Chapter 21: The twin's tag team battle and Eterna city.

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" hey ash let me eat some ketchup": poke speech.

" charizard is unable to battle": normal speech

" I AM HERE TO WIN": shouting /yelling.

( hmm he is cute): thoughts.

[ this is how ash is ....]: my explanation


ASH'S present pokemon: Gardevoir , Glaceon , Pikachu , Charizard , Meganium , Feraligatr, Pidgeot , Sceptile , Glalie , Swellow , Garchomp , Latias , Shinx , Starly , Milotic And Dratini.

3rd person POV.

Its morning as our group woke up in the guest room of nurse joy's family house. Ash went out early for his daily exercise , Sabrina and Clair just woke up as decided to train their pokemon in the fields. The both sisters Paige and Marnie went out to play as they informed their mom.

After a while at 9 Am , everyone were at the dining table for breakfast. Ash could feel the bit's of Suicune's aura on the joy sister's as he thought ( Well , They went to play with Suicune huh? . For one of the rarely sighted legendary , it sure is a softy to kids.). The gang complimented the chef for the breakfast and left while thanking the joy family for the hospitality.

The gang soon got in the car as they got onto the highway and Ash started speeding hoping to arrive at Eterna city by lunch as it was still 9:30 AM. Latias sat beside Ash in the front as she looked in wonder at the surrounding views. Its been 2 hours, Gardevoir , Sabrina and Clair were playing Uno in the back as Pikachu is on Latias's lap and Glaceon is observing the game from beside Clair.

Sabrina suddenly calmly put her last card down and said " And that's UNO.". Clair and Gardevoir threw up their hands scattering the cards around as Clair stated with agitation " How did you win 5 games in a row, I call cheat.". Gardevoir just sighed as she said " Of course she is cheating , she has been using here psychic powers to keep that small mirror floating above you to see your cards.".

Clair whipped her head up and saw a small mirror floating as she glared at Sabrina who was laughing along with Gardevoir as Glaceon was slowly picking up the scattered card and put them in a pile in font of Gardevoir. Gardevoir smiled gently as she pet Glaceon as she said " Thanks a lot Glaceon for the help.". Glaceon gave happy noises as Ash said " Well , I am gonna put on some songs on the radio.". The collective response was "ok " from all girls as Ash put on the music and continued driving.

Its been an hour since the girls were just listening or singing if a song they liked was played. Ash looked at the time and saw it was 12:43 PM. Ash looked ahead and saw a group of 4 people waving at them. Ash pulled over as he got out of the car and said " What's up?". Ash was instantly surrounded by a very identical twin pair as one of them said " OMG. ITS THE LEGENDARY ASH KETCHUM." The other one followed " THIS MUST BE OUR LUCKIEST DAY.". A lady with a mic and a camera man behind her came towards Ash as the lady said " Hello Sir Ash , I am Rhonda the reporter of "Sinnoh now" T.V show. ". 

Ash then said " Hey , so what's going on.". Rhonda then answered " We are looking for a pair of trainers to do a tag team battle against the twins. These twins are famous in Sinnoh for their streak of victories in tag battles.". Ash thought a bit as he said " Interesting, well can I and my girl give it a try?". 

Ryan and Brian instantly said " YES , it would be a honor to battle you Sir Ash.". Ash sweat dropped as he thought ( Well , they are not twins for nothing.).  By now the girls also got out except for Gardevoir and Latias who preferred not interfering in this matter.

Sabrina then stretched herself as she turned to Clair and said " Why not take this one Clair , I did cheat in the UNO game after all , you can have this one.". Clair gave a nod and stood beside Ash as the twins shook a bit in fear as hey are up against one of the strongest Gym leaders in the world ranking and The legendary Ash Ketchum.

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