Chapter-3 The Little Moment

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You were sitting in the garden reading a book. You are very much fond of books. Reading books daily is your habit which will never ever change.

And reading in between the beautiful nature.with slow sounds of bird Chirping and the cold touch of smooth wind,these things make it more peaceful and calming.

Being a village girl can't neglect the fact that you were very intelligent during your school and college days. You always scored higher in every exams.

You are in deep thoughts of your beautiful past memories when suddenly your phone starts to ring. A smile formed on your lips seeing the caller ID. You answered it.

"Hello y/n dear."A exciting sweet voice greeted from other side.

"Hello mom,how are you?"

"I was good but after listening to your voice I am feeling cool."A small laugh escape from your mouth hearing the woman who treat you like her own daughter.

"Dad! Is he taking his medicines on time or not?"

"Don't worry dear if he will not take it I will forcefully put it in his mouth. After All he gets scared of me easily."

"Haha yeah of course."

"Well I call you to inform you something I don't trust Jungkook as I know he definitely will forget about it. So I thought to tell you by myself."

"What is it mom?"

"Actually Jungkook's cousins are returning back from America after a long time. It's been like three years since they shifted to states for their studies."

You never knew that Jungkook also have cousins and he never had mentioned about them. From whom you are even expecting your husband never talk to you straightly,then how come he will share about his family members.


"Huh...y..yes mom."

"What happen? Did you even listened what I said?"You shake your head being embarrassed and spoke.

"Sorry mom what were you saying?"

"I was telling you to make arrangements as they all are going to stay with you both for some days."

"With us?"

"Yeah why? Do you have any problem? If you don't feel like to stay with them then it's ok. We can arrange."

You slapped yourself for asking this stupid question and hurriedly said.
"No no's not like that. Why will I have any problem. Infact I am happy and excited to meet them for the first time."

"Oh you are so sweet dear. Ok I hope you will enjoy with them. You should starts to prepare for them. They all are picky and wants Everything according to their taste."

"Don't worry mom I  will not disappoint you."

"God bless you now I have to go your dad is sneaking towards kitchen  probably going to eat ice cream. I will see how can he eat it. Me gonna caught him red handed. Bye sweety take care."

"Bye mom,you too."
You cut the call laughing at these two couples. Sometimes looking at them you always wonders what if you and Jungkook were also like that.

Sometimes funny

Sometimes goofy

And sometimes romantic.

A sad chuckle comes out dryly at the bucket list which you had make in your mind during your life time for your wedded life.

And sadly not even had completed.

Shaking your thoughts away as you don't wanna feel more hurt you decided to prepare dinner for your husband who will gonna come soon.

You always prepare food for him but he rarely taste it.

Ding dong

You opened the door and saw your husband with poker face. As usual you took the suitcase from him and greeted him with a warm smile.

"Good evening."


"How was your day?"


"Should I serve the dinner?"
A hint of hope can be seen your eyes even after knowing his answer.


"Hmmm....first I will take shower."
He went away leaving you behind with dumbfounded face.

"Di.. did he just said yes?"

You blink your eyes,slap your ears not believing that he just said yes.

A wide smile appeared on your lips  realising he actually said yes and you run towards the kitchen to reheat the food.

You are so much excited as he is going to eat your handmade food.after so many days.

You both are silently digging your food. While you have a smile on your face for getting a chance to share the dinning with your husband. You glance at Jungkook who is eating like he hadn't eat from morning.

But she always sends him lunch.
Maybe he works hard that's why.

Only if she knew

Inside you are happy that he is liking the food even he didn't say a word as a compliment.

You look up and saw he is trying to say something.

"Tomorrow my cousin's will come they are gonna stay with us."He informed looking down at the plate.

"I know Mom had already told me she thinks maybe you will forget because of your work."

He just nodded and took a sip of orange juice.

"H. How is the food?"

"It's pretty good."

"I am happy that you liked it."

"I had finished and now I am going to sleep"He said getting up from the chair and turn around to leave. Before leaving he spoke.

"I have a important meeting in morning,so arrange the white suit and also wake me up at 6:00 I will leave early."Not getting any response  Jungkook turned his head . He shake his head when he saw her munching the food fastly to say something.

"Ok I will do that,anything else."


"You should sleep now,good night."

He move towards the stairs. While y/n stare at his back and again look at her plate to finish the remaining food. After that she also have to arrange his things.

Jungkook laid down on the bed facing the ceiling in deep thoughts.

"I just hope they won't talk about the topic otherwise."

"I will not be able to control myself and."


"Hope everything goes well."

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