Chapter 5: The Rose Garden

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     To Maeve's relief, she didn't have to see much of Jasper the next day. At the last minute, Mrs. Morrison asked her to assist Joshua in the rose garden. Kitty would be having tea with a very dear friend of hers, Lady Allison Nicklebee, the middle daughter of the Earl of Devon, and one of the few girls that Kitty knew who, like her, wasn't out in society yet. She was also quite possibly the biggest gossip in all of London.

     "Do you think they ever get tired of entertaining?" Joshua asked while placing the linens on the table.

     The warm, summer wind wasn't being very cooperative that day, and the edges of the delicate white lace tablecloth that had been handpicked by Mrs. Morrison for this particular luncheon, refused to stay put, making it nearly impossible for Joshua to set the table in such a way that it would please the discerning eye of Mr. Carver.

     "I think not," Maeve mumbled as she struggled to find the right placement for the fresh flowers that the gardener had just delivered to her. "This is all they have, after all."

     Joshua's brow wrinkled with confusion. "What do you mean, Maeve? These people have everything. How could they possibly care about yet another boring luncheon?"

     Maeve thought back to Mrs. Bradford's words from a few days prior, realizing that they suddenly made a lot more sense. Poverty isn't always measured in pounds and shillings, dear...

     Maeve started to answer him, but was silenced by the arrival of the Duke of Carlyle. Alexander approached the garden slowly, his eyes glancing over the vibrant blooms of each rosebush that he passed on the garden path. His gaze was neither admiring nor critical- merely observatory- and Maeve found herself wondering how someone could look at such beauty in such a dull, almost lifeless, way.

     Instinctively, both Maeve and Joshua took a step back from the Duke and averted their eyes. In an awkward silence, the two of them waited for him to pass so that they could resume their work.

     Oh, I do wish he would hurry, Maeve thought as she stared at the worn stones beneath her feet. However, the Duke's pace only slowed further as he approached the area where the luncheon was to be held. Maeve could feel her hands begin to sweat from nerves. Lady Kathryn and her guest would be arriving at any moment, and it would be both of their heads if everything wasn't fully prepared.

     The Duke meandered a few more feet down the path, and then, to Maeve's horror, came to a stop in front of her.

     "Is this your doing?" he said. His voice was neither judgmental nor praising - it was simply a question.

     Maeve's gray eyes widened and her pulse quickened. What should I say? she thought. Why is he talking to me?

     "Well?" he said, and this time there was a hint of impatience in his deep voice.

     Maeve took a deep breath and relaxed her hands at her sides. Do not be intimidated by him, Maeve, she told herself. He might be a Duke, but he is still just a man.

     "Yes, Your Grace," she said, and raised her gaze to meet him.

     She wasn't quite sure what sort of response she had been expecting from him, but she found that she hadn't been prepared for him to smile at her.

     "Everything looks lovely," he said, glancing around at the luncheon spread again. "Kitty will be pleased."

     Oh, my. Maeve felt her cheeks begin to grow warm, and her gaze fell back to the ancient stone beneath her. "Thank you, Your Grace."

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