𝓯riday night ( 001 ).

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( 001 ) 一 ❝ FRIDAY NIGHT ❞

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( 001 ) 一 ❝ FRIDAY NIGHT

RORY yawned into his arm, barely paying attention as the teacher in the front of the room spoke. they glanced up at the clock on the wall and internally cheered as he realized the class was about to end.

"today's homework is to finish the last six pages-" and there was the bell. the teacher was promptly interrupted by the sound of two dozen teenagers packing up and rushing out the door. not that rory blamed them, he certainly didn't want to stare at math any longer than he had to.

he shoved his things into his bag, about to stand up before deciding to turn to the desk behind him. they weren't surprised at all to see someone slumped at their desk, dead asleep. MARLEY was always finding an excuse to doze off, math class was not an exception.

he tapped her on the shoulder. when nothing happened he dropped his heavy backpack right beside their ear. "marley!"

their head shot up and they gave rory an unamused look. they looked like they wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep. how marley was able to doze through practically the entire class and still be tired was beyond him.

"class ended, didn't you hear the bell?" rory asked as he picked up his bag and stood up, making sure to tuck in his chair. marley shook their head and follow suit. both of them walked out of class together into the busy hallway, which was jammed packed with students now that class let out.

"do you have any plans tonight?" rory asked, checking his phone.

"no. i'm probably just going to stay home and do homework." rory looked up from his screen, looking like they wanted to laugh.

"i know for sure that last part is a lie. i can't remember the last time i saw you open a textbook." he remarked.

marley shrugged, looking very unconcerned. "fine, maybe i won't."

"in that case, do you want to go to a party with me later?" now it was marley's turn to stare in disbelief, in their case they actually giggled out loud.

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