𝓪ftermath ( 002 ).

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( 002 ) 一 ❝ AFTERMATH ❞

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( 002 ) 一 ❝ AFTERMATH ❞

amira wasn't doing so well. she'd be the first person to admit she was a lightweight and usually she'd be careful enough not to drink too much. usually.

that night was not her night, unfortunately. she had slumped over the kitchen counter, trying to calm her nausea and stop the headache that was rapidly growing in the back of her head. she tuned everything and everyone else out, which meant she hadn't noticed anything was amiss until suddenly hordes of people starting filtering out of the room, and dashing outside.

it was all... quite strange.

she reluctantly got up and started following everyone who was running out the front door. her head started pounding even more with the movement and her steps were more stumbles than anything else. there was a high chance nothing was wrong outside and it was just teenagers being dumb- but amira was curious anyway. or maybe she was just drunk and her decision-making skills were impaired. one or the other.

when she finally reached the steps outside, chaos greeted her at full force. there was screaming, not the kind that she'd heard earlier of people having fun but the kind of pure panic and fear. everyone was crowded together in a cluster, making it difficult to see much of anything. the fact it was almost midnight didn't help at all.

she heard someone shout out something about an ambulance. an ambulance? what the hell could have possibly happened?

amira started pushing past the crowd of people, trying to reach the front of the group. it was easier than she expected, everyone seemed to be stuck in a trance, frozen in place. she quickly realized why.

she saw the blood first. and then the body. dead, a voice in her mind said. she tried to brush the thought away but seeing how still the person was, the puddles of blood spilling out of their head made it hard to think rationally. how could this have happened? all she had wanted was to have fun on a friday night and now someone was bleeding out, surrounded by an entire entourage of scared teenagers.

𝐒𝐄𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐘 𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄. ﹙𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐲𝐟𝐢𝐜﹚Where stories live. Discover now