𝓼yrup ( 004 ).

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( 004 ) 一 ❝ SYRUP ❞

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( 004 ) 一 ❝ SYRUP

"i can't believe i'm the one pointing this out, but is this really a good idea?" marley asked to no one in particular. they were all standing outside in a little group, earning quite a few second glances from their fellow classmates. it wasn't every day that emery piccadilly willingly spent time with people outside of her popular group nor was it every day that isak hancock willingly spent time with just about anyone.

"did we not just establish the fucking party was the thing that tied us all together?" isak retorted.

"except marley and her friends or whatever weren't there." emery crossed her arms, looking more and more irritated by the moment. marley and symona gave each other a resigned look, mutually accepting that they'd have to put up with the bickering for now.

"okay, stop. this isn't getting us anywhere." symona cut in after a minute. "the majority of us were at the party, and something very significant happened then. if we go tonight and nothing happens, whatever. we all go home." she tried to reason.

"and what if something goes wrong? what if someone fucking dies again?" emery asked, with a harsh edge to her voice. her anger suddenly switching to something more akin to worry.

"well, maybe we're stuck in a time loop because we're supposed to stop that." marley asserted, emery closed her mouth for a second, considering that thought.

"that's usually how the movies and stuff go, right?" marley added. symona didn't know what to say in response. marley certainly seemed all cool and calm about the idea but sym wasn't so sure she would put herself in danger like that. she had much more important things to worry about, namely, taking care of her little brother.

"so what? it doesn't mean i have to do anything about it." emery said coldly. "i'm not risking my life for this."

a part of symona understood how emery felt, yet another part of her didn't know how to feel with the idea she could potentially be letting someone die.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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