Chapter 2

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I scooped up the nutrigel using my spoon and forced it into my mouth. It tasted bad, but it kept me alive. Wouldn't need to eat any more of it for a bit, thank God. Wait, I shouldn't have said that, Thank the Prophet. Yeah, that's what I meant. I wasn't sure if the Prophet could read thoughts, there were rumours. We didn't really know what he was capable off, being an alien after all. How long did the species live for, was he the last of his kind? The holoprojector began to slowly flicker into life, an image of a man began to appear. Right on time. Just like every day. He wore a pure white suit, must be because of the anniversary. Hopefully the broadcast didn't last long, it was hard work to fake interest. Not like I had a choice though. If anyone suspected me of being a heretic, I'd be sent to the re-education centre or worse. Nobody ever came back from there the same, if they even came back. None of my family would directly accuse me, after all it'd make them all suspects as well. But I wasn't about to test Birthmother's loyalty to the Prophet. I doubted I'd win.

'Good morning people of Europa!' he shouted; his arms stretched out wide like a bird. His blonde hair was brushed back, his yellow eyes seemed to sparkle. I could hear waves crashing against the sand of a beach in the background. The sun was shining high in the pure blue sky.

'It's another beautiful morning here, the temperature is a perfect 24C. As you all know, today is a very special occasion. Thirty years ago on this very day, the Prophet arrived on our planet. He saved us and uplifted us. Without him we would still be nothing, never able to reach our true potential. With his help, we were able to win the Unity war and pledge ourselves to him. We must be forever grateful that he chose us as his disciples, as his chosen people. Today, we at the COP have a very special treat for all our citizens, the Prophet himself has been gracious enough to say a few words for us. Without further ado, I present our father, the Prophet,' he gestured to the oncoming figure.

A creature emerged from the side, making its way to replace the presenter. Its scaly skin black, narrow, slit-like eyes that glowed red. I could only see its face, a golden headpiece in the shape of a triangle sat upon its head. As the Prophet opened his mouth to speak, I noticed hundreds of tiny teeth glint in the light.

He bowed deeply, before turning around and exiting the holo.

The image began to slowly disappear. I felt Birthmother grab one of my hands, Felix took the other. Their hands felt hot as we held them together. I closed my eyes as the ceremony demanded. I hated doing this every morning, it was boring. But what choice did I, or any of us have. Especially with Birthmother being a priest, there was no way I could fake it. I felt a twitch of anxiety as the chanting began.

'May the prophet save us all.' We chanted together in unison, as the hologram in the middle of the table flickered off. I closed my eyes, clearing my mind of all thoughts. Well trying to. But I couldn't, never been able to. Again, and again, we repeated the holy words, seven times as the ceremony demanded. When it was finished, we released hands. I waited with my eyes shut. Not wanting to be the first to stop. I peeked for a second, theirs eyes were firmly closed, still deep in thought. Birthmothers' eyes opened first, she smiled.

'I feel so invigorated, he really is inspiring, isn't he? Such a way with words. I just wish your birthfather could have been here at the most important day in our history as a species. He'd have been thrilled with the progress we've made. I miss him...' Birthmother breathed in deeply, then exhaled. Her mouth stretched into a forced smile.

'I miss him too. He still might come back one day.' His voice trembled.

'It's been three years, Felix,' I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

'I know, but there is always hope.' Felix looked down at the ground.

'Yeah, you never know,' I said.

'I know if your father had a choice, he'd be back here with us.' Birthmother said, as I grabbed Felix for a hug. His sad eyes looked back at me.

'Yeah, he wouldn't,' I said.

'Anyway, what did you two think?' Birthmother asked. She tapped the table lightly.


'The speech' She shook her head. 'Did you forget about it already?'

'The speech was great; I just didn't understand what it all means.' I quickly said, stumbling over my words. She didn't care about how upset Felix was. I was the parent in all but name really.

'You're not meant to; It's a preview of what is to come.'

'I guess. So do you know what he meant by the final test?' I raised my eyebrows.

'Yes, but you will find out soon enough. That is the only way. I bet you're excited aren't you, Felix?' Birthmother said, as she leaned closer to him.

'Yeah... It's so great,' Felix stammered. He looked at me for support.

'You don't sound very positive; this is the most important day of all our lives. Wouldn't want people to think you were a heretic,' Birthmother said.

'No. It's great news, I can't wait! he said, his voice quaked. I felt an inner rage inside me begin to awaken. This was all her doing, none of this could be any good for him!

'You need to leave him alone, he just misses Father.' I said, my nostrils flared.

She reached out a hand to stroke his cheek, he recoiled.

Her face dropped. 'I need to go to morning contemplation. Make sure you're both back for 2pm exactly. I've got a special trip planned for us all.' Birthmother looked at me intently. 'Make sure you're back in time.' She walked out of the apartment into the waiting pod outside. The door closed automatically, and she was gone, whisked away to fulfil her duties.

'I better go too, don't want to be late for work again. See you later Felix, have a good day at school. I'll be back later.'


'Thanks for always looking after me. You're the best brother.'

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