Eventually I managed to calm myself down, but the inner rage still burned. I left work; I didn't care anymore. Sure, I might be low on credits, but I'd manage. I forced my feet forward. Nobody saw me leave. I found myself in the pod going home. Wasn't even sure how I got there.
I landed on the platform; I was home. I marched straight to the conference room, needed to relax, some alone time. Didn't see anybody as I entered. Good. The room had been specially designed, bit of a luxury really. Birthmother used it for work sometimes, but she didn't know what Felix and I had hidden away. The walls were padded with a thick black material, it made the room soundproof. A spectator lamp hung from the ceiling; four bright lights ready to transmit any image. A small window was at one side of the room, letting in precious light. I pulled a loose tile up. Everything I needed for the game system, along with the disks were there. Most were old Earth games, nothing to do with the Prophet. Monsterhunt stood out to me. It was always fun, me and Felix had played it a lot. I'd got it a few years ago from a smuggler, hadn't been cheap. Never beaten it though. I began to set up the game system, had to make sure all the wires matched. It had taken me ages to get it all working when I had first got it.
I turned to see the door opening. Felix stood there.
'Hey, Ezra. You're back early.'
He closed the door behind him as he entered the room.
'So are you,' I grinned.
'I skipped school; it's been driving me crazy. All they've been talking about is the Prophet and his announcement... all day. I couldn't take it anymore. So, I faked being sick.'
He walked over, seeing me fiddling with the game system.
'You're gonna play without me?' Ezra frowned.
'Planning to. But seeing as you're here now. You wanna play? We can both take our minds off our day.' I reached out my hand, he high fived it with a smack.
'Sure, could do with killing something, which game?'
'Monsterhunt, already got it loaded up.'
'Alright, we've not played it for ages. It'll be fun.' He smiled.
'Blackout mode' I said out loud. The room began to darken, the window covered.
'Request completed.' the robotic voice said.
I selected Monsterhunt from the menu and clicked play.
'Birthmothers still at the Temple, right?' I opened the door quickly, peeking through. I couldn't see anyone.
'Yeah, we're alright. We've got time.' He grinned.
'Alright good. If she comes, act casual alright. I'll sort out everything,' I said, as I fiddled with the settings.
'Ye, ye. I know.' He passed me the holo glasses. They were very thin and fragile, pure white. I put them on.
I then reached for the gravity boots, with them I could mimic walking, but I wouldn't actually move. More Earth tech, it had taken ages to get them all to work together. I pulled on the boots and locked them into place.
'Ready?' I asked as I fastened the straps.
'Yes, let's go!' Felix shouted, having already put them on.
There was a blast of light as I synced the glasses, I closed my eyes instinctively. As I opened them the room melted away. It was replaced by a new world, a world full of bright neon colour. The game was old, but it was the best we had with the Prophet banning all games. Not allowed according to the codex, waste of time.
I saw Ezra beside me. He flickered slightly as he walked forward, a smile stretched upon his face. We both wore a plain black jumpsuit, just the basic starting clothes. The sky was a deep red, shards of lightning slammed onto the ground in the distance. We were standing inside a large, abandoned cathedral, what people had used to worship in before the Prophet. The walls were streaked with blood, the roof had been ripped off. Rock music began to play in the background, the beats getting us amped up. Ready for battle.
A handgun dropped at my feet. I picked it up, placing it in the holster on my suit. Armour came next. I quickly fastened it on. Felix did the same. A large timer appeared above, it counted down.
5, 4 3.
'Nothing gets past us!' I said to Felix.
2, 1....0
Then the monsters began to appear. First it was the zombies, slow, easy to kill. Not a challenge at all, just meat fodder. Hundreds lumbered towards us. Their hands outstretched. Their green skin flaking away with each step. I took my handgun out of my holster and began to shoot. One went down. Then another. They poofed into smoke, gone as each shot hit them.
'I've missed this,' I said as I fired another shot. Straight in the eye.
'Same, wonder why the Prophet even banned it. What's the harm?' He shouted.
Felix stood with me, casually killing the zombies. 'Too easy.'
'Yeah, it really is. Wish we could remove this level,' he groaned.
'It's a good warmup though,' I laughed.
Upgrade available appeared above.
'True, katana time?'
'If you can catch me.'
I jumped up and hit the upgrade button, selecting the katana. It fell to the ground, getting stuck in the wooden floor. I grabbed it and wielded it, racing forward. One hit. I sliced the zombie in half. Another. Dead. Only two left. I saw Felix kill them both with a single stab through the head.
I spotted a shotgun appear on the ground. I grabbed it just as Felix was about to reach for it.
'I saw it first,' he screamed with gritted teeth.
'Well, I grabbed it first.' I laughed.
His face began to redden. 'I want it, give it me!'
'Too late, Wombbrother.'
He sliced at me with his Katana. My health began to fade.
'What are you doing?' I screamed.
I dodged back, missing a strike. But another hit me.
'Just taking what belongs to me.'
'Fine, have it!' I dropped the shotgun. He gleefully picked it up and wiped out the last few zombies.
'Level 1 completed.' The game announced.
'What is wrong with you!'
'I'm sorry I took it from you. I'm just scared.' Felix said.
He lowered his head.
'Don't be. It's only vampires next. They're easy as well.'
'I'm not talking about the game...'
'5,4.' The game announced as we prepared for the next round.
'So, what- '
'It's Birthmother. Something bad is gonna happen.'
'Don't worry, I'll look after- '
The Prophet's Test
Science FictionThe final test will decide the future of humanity. Do not listen to those who seek to lead you astray. You must pass or we are lost. Make the right choice.