Chapter 9 - An Average Day In Hell

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Here's the next chapter, enjoy.

At the apartment where Millie, Moxxie, and Linc live. Moxxie was sleeping peacefully until he opened his eyes to Millie staring down at him with a lustful gaze.

Moxxie: ........ Can I have my coffee first?

Millie: No.

In Linc's room, the young Hellhound was awoken by the sound of squeaking. Void chuckled, Noir was making nervous, while Linc only seemed confused. 

About half an hour later, Linc was making breakfast. Moxxie and Millie came out of their bedroom, Moxxie was limping while rubbing his lower back. Moxxie grabbed some coffee while Millie began eating her eggs and sausage.

Linc: Is your guys' spring box busted? There was a lot of squeaking coming from your room.

Moxxie spat out his coffee and Millie nearly choked on her eggs. Void let out a guttural laugh while Noir left the room immediately. While Linc waited for an answer, the two imp parents sweated bullets as they tried to think of something to say.


At the I.M.P. office. Ms. Mayberry was following Blitzo for a tour around the office.

Blitzo: Alright, Mayberry. While you're working for us, you'll be doing some odd jobs around the building. I'd let you help with killings, but...

Ms. Mayberry: Your already pushing it by going to the living world.

Blitzo: Yep, and if a Sinner goes back then to the living world will be some uptight asshole from the higher ranks in Hell is gonna be up my ass more than-

Ms. Mayberry: You don't need to explain.

Blitzo: Well. there are some things you should know about.

Blitzo pointed at Moxxie, who was cleaning guns.

Blitzo: Moxxie helps clean and maintain our weapons. You'll be loading and cleaning our guns.

Moxxie: I'm gonna have to show you how to do most of these. (holds up a flintlock pistol) Sir, likes flintlocks for some reason.

Ms. Mayberry: I look forward to it.

Blitzo: Next up, files and call taking. Loona normally handles it-

Moxxie: (from the kitchen) More like pretends to do it! Like now! She's currently drinking on the job!

Loona: (from a different room) Fuck! Off!

Ms. Mayberry: So you want me to handle taking calls?

Blitzo: Yup. Loona gets sloshed and forgets people's names. Especially if it's a call from a Sinner.

Ms. Mayberry: I don't mind, just direct those calls to me.

Blitzo: You'll need to have a discussion with Loona on it first. We already talked about the fact that Sinner callers usually refuse to be in touch with any of us.

Ms. Mayberry: Aww, poor thing.

Blitzo: (Holding up his index finger) But if you do well, you can remain in her good books. Learned that myself the hard way when I adopted her.

Ms. Mayberry: Ah, how nice of you.

Then Linc walked out of the kitchen with Loona, who had a beer bottle in her hellhound claws.

Blitzo: There's my baby girl, Loonie!

Loona: (blushes) Stop calling me that... Especially in front of your new hire!

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