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Finally one morning after a shift Johnny and Roy got together for breakfast.  They went to a Cafe not far from Roy's house.

"So junior how are things going?"  Roy asked.

"Alright. Life is busy. Three teens keeps us busy. Our jobs are crazy."

"I can imagine. At least Jo and I only have one teen at home."

"Lucky you. It sure has been interesting raising three that are the same age."

"So how have they adjusted to you and Jocelyn being back together?"

"Jusr fine. It is nice being a family again. "

"So how is Jayne? Any issues with her dyslexia?".

"She is doing well. She has help everyday. Special classes for English. She has a tutor during study hall. She takes tests away from the class and has extra time and questions can be read to her. She is taking College prep  science and math.  She does very well in them."

"OH wow! That is great Johnny!. Does she have any idea what she wants to become?"

"Not yet. Next year we start looking at colleges."

"Maybe a doctor?"

"Jocelyn would love that. I don't know though.  Jayne has said  nothing about a career.  I think she meets with her guidance counselor sometime this year to discuss career ideas. "

"How are the twins?"

"Just fine. Johnny Jr was playing football this fall on jv team. Janelle is our artist.  She loves drawing and painting  I have no idea where she got that from "

"That is different. Neither you or Jocelyn are artistic. "

"No we are not.  So how are you and Joanne?"

"Just fine. Our older children are 27, 24 and 22 already. "

"Damn.  That is hard to believe." 

" I know. Time flies. "

"Maybe grandkids soon?"

"I want them married first . "

"Do you think that will happen soon?"

"Well all three are dating. So who knows. Allison is so caught up on her career I don't think she wants kids even if she does get married."

"Well maybe Brad or Brenda will give you a grandchild. "

"Maybe. Jo wants grandkids. 

Johnny smiled.  "Joc and I are far away from that I hope."

Roy smiled.

"So we should all get together soon."  Roy said.  "You and Jocelyn,  Kell and Dixie and Joanne and I. "

"Yes we should. That would be fun. It has been way too long."

"I know Joanne misses Dixie and Jocelyn. "

"Well we will do it. Maybe our house.  Have a pool party since it is spring time and warming up."

"Sounds good Johnny. "

Before they parted after breakfast they hugged each other.

"Be safe Johnny. "

"You too Roy "

Emergency. Johnny and Jocelyn.  My love for you will never failWhere stories live. Discover now