Fire at Rampart

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About an hour into the training the lights flickered off and the computers went dead. They entire ground floor was dark. They all waited for the generator to kick on so they could see. It never happened. Something was wrong. The instructor tried the phone in the room. That was dead also. 

everyone was wondering what was going on but no way to find out. Suddenly the fire alarms went off on the ground floor. They could all smell smoke. The instructor went to door and felt the door. It was hot. 

"Everyone get on the floor and under the table!" He yelled. "We are trapped in here!"

Jocelyn could not believe this. She just found out she was pregnant and now she might die.

Meanwhile at station 36 Johnny's day was starting out normal. Quiet morning. No calls yet today. Looked like a nice quiet day.

Johnny was sitting in the rec room with the guys when the call came across. Station 36 a fire at Rampart General Hospital.

Johnny jumped up. He knew Joc was working. He hoped it was nothing serious.

At the hospital the smoke was overtaking the ER. The doctors and nurse were evacuating all patients in the ER. The smoke was very thick. They were afraid there would be fire in the ER soon. 

Dixie was worried. They knew the fire was below them and she knew Kell, and Jocelyn were down there. Were they alive. They had to be alright.

Emergency. Johnny and Jocelyn.  My love for you will never failWhere stories live. Discover now