26. Secret

730 4 1

Y/n Pov

So me and Chris been together for 4-5 mouths now and we haven't told anyone well we been together for a year technically because before he asked me put we would hard core make out but 4-5 mouths ago he asked me out and I said yes but we didn't know how to tell Nick or matt or anyone so we didn't i would pretend to leave and run to Chris room and hangout with him

Y/N! Nick yelled

What? I asked

Sorry but you zoned out and I asked if you wanna stay over tonight nick said

Oh uh sure but aren't you guys filming a YouTube video I said

Yeah you're gonna be in it tho nick said

Yay I said

You ready matt asked nick and me

Yeah nick said

Yeah but where is Chris I asked

Ugh. matt said


I'm gonna go get him I said

Ok well we are gonna be in the car. Matt said

I ran up the stairs and walked into Chris room

I was waiting he said

For what I asked

You he said

He pulled me close

He started to kiss me

Chris I said backing away

What he asked

We gotta go you're brothers are waiting I said

One more kiss. He asked

Fine I said knowing he meant 1 minute more and kisses

Matt POV

What is taking them do long I asked nick

I don't know matt nick said

We saw y/n and Chris running to us

They got in the car

Sorry Chris lock his door and wouldn't let me in y/n said

I rolled my eyes

We drove the the parking well I drove

When we got there we turn on the light

Y/n turned her head and me and nick saw a hickey

OMG nick yelled

Y/n turned around

What she asked

You have a hickey I said

Chris spit his drink

She laughed

You have a boyfriend nick asked

Yeah she said

For how long I asked

4-5 mouths she said

What! I said

Chris why are you so quiet. Nick asked

I gave nick a look and he realized

Chris had a crush on her and now she has a boyfriend

Is he nice. Chris asked

Yeah she said

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