31. degrassi

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Ok so my mom made me watch degrassi and I got into it so I'm making a shot story were y/n makes the Triplets watch degrassi 


SPOILERS FOR DEGRASSI (not really but mention of who dies and who gets shot)

Mention of Gun and dying and getting stabbed



told the boys we were watching my favorite show so I'm  getting pop corn and pop

The boys sat down and got ready for my favorite show

What is it called matt asked looking at me

Degrassi I replied sitting down getting comfortable and pushing play

The boys didn't really get into the first season but then we got to season 4 and the boys got right into it

Jimmy and spinner was chris favorite

Marco and pagie was Nick's favorite

And Matt favorite was J.t and Manny

And my favorite  is J.t and Toby and don't forget liberty

You did this rick said on the tv pulling out a gun

NOOOO chris yelling jumping

I laughed

Jimmy ran but then yelled in pain because he was shot

Chris yelled so yelled

It was spinner fault! Matt yelled

I giggled at them

Y/n does any thing happen to Marco or Paige nick asked y
Getting scard

No noting happens I said smiling

Does anything happen to j.t. or Manny matt asked

Uh maybe just watch and see I said knowing what happens

50 minutes later

Stupid rick got Jimmy in a wheelchair I hate him! Chris yelled

We are now on season 5

Alexmand pagie kissed and nick yelled so Loud in happiness

J.t. I'm pregnant liberty said and jt crushed his car

Matt was shocked

I giggled so hard

But then j.t overdoses and Matt CRIED!?!?

I laughed

But then season 6 came

Liberty! Liberty! J.t. yelled

Matt was happy they are getting back together but he was him get stabbed

NOOOOOOO! Matt yelled

J.t liberty said running to him


And then it cuts

And goes to the next sence

I'm his brother toby said to the doctor

LIAR. Nick yelled

You're brother didn't make it.

Matt cried with Chris and nick

I'm done for tonight they said

What did you think I asked

It was good but why J.t Matt asked

I dont know but at least you like it I smiled and went to bed

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