45. the secret 🏳️‍🌈 part two M.S.

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Here is part two!!!!!

Does anyone else listen to music when they write storys and/or sometimes make a story base off a song or is that just me?

Bare with me I never been in a airport in my life so u have no idea what it looks like or anything 🤷‍♀️

Story -

I was packing I was going to Boston to see my mother and father and Justin I was super nervous, not just because I had to tell them that I was gay also because y/n my boyfriend was coming with us, my mom and dad knew y/n he was our best friend for like 4 years so since high school "babe your stressing for no reason your parents will love you no matter what." Y/n said standing behind me "I know but it's just...i dont know it's like My Anxiety is eating me alive." I muttered  y/n hugged me tightly and kiss me.

"Matt." Chris said as he walked in my room "oh." Chris muttered as he saw he ruined my moment "what Chris." Y/n laughed "are you ready nick said our plane is 1 hour so he wants to leave now." Chris said "uh yeah we're ready." I mumbled as I grabbed my and y/n stuff and started to walk down the the garage, this is gonna be fun "we're taking my car because my brother is picking up my car at the airport." Y/n said grabbing the suitcases from me and putting them in his car, nick came down with two suitcase "holy shit nick what are in these bricks." Chris asked as he grabbed them to past to y/n "no dumbfuck." Nick answered we all just laughed "holy shit Chris is right nick what are in these." Y/n asked nick and he took them from Chris "stuff." Nick answered hopping in the car with chris in the back "who's driving." I asked y/n "me." He answered my question I nodded as he hopped in the driver seat and I hoped next to him.

Nick and chris were past out in the back, I was looking out the window "you okay." Y/n asked me "Yeah just tried." I answered "Yeah me too I'm usually asleep at 2:30." He laughed holding my hand and driving with one hand "on Wednesday I'm gonna go visit my mom you can come if you want but I'm not forcing you." Y/n muttered trying not to wake my brothers "I would love to see your mom." I murmured "Yeah im gonna tell her we're dating but not till you tell your mother because my mom talks to your mom." Y/n said as he parked, he got out and past his car keys to his brother "Chris nick we're hear." I shook them "mmm." Chris groaned "Chris come on." I said not wanting to miss our plane "I'm up I'm up." Chris Clarified "what time is it." Nick asked "it's 2:50." I told nick as y/n open the car door.

"Come on we gotta go." Y/n said we all grabbed our suitcases as y/n's brother drove away, we got in and went through the Metal detector "okay you are good to go." The man said, we sat down and waited, it felt like hours till we were called, I sat next to y/n and feel asleep right away I was so tried.

"Matt were here." Chris shook me, I opened my eyes and got up I grabbed my suitcases and left the plane with my brothers and boyfriend "mom said  she's here." Nick told us walking to the exit "Mom!" Chris sounded excited to see her she run and jumped in her arms "hi mom." I gave her a hug, nick gave her a hug as well "Hello miss-." Y/n started but my mom stopped him "don't be silly y/n call me Mary Lou." MY mom said hugging him "how's your brother." She asked knowing that y/n brother went through a lot growing up "he's doing better." 5He answered my mom "how are you?" She asked looking at him "I'm doing way better." He answered "that's great and how are my boys doing." She asked looking at me and my brothers "good." We all answered.

We hopped in my mom's car I sat next to my mom in the front and the boys were in the back "ok so justin is already there he is so excitedto see you all." my mother said as she parks her car, we were home, we all grabbed our stuff and went into the house, I went in my old room and sat on my bed,
y/n walked in and closed the door putting his suitcases in a corner of my room.

"Hey baby." He said as he kissed me but I pulled back "hey whats the matter?" "Nothing I promise babe." I said "okay." He said standing up "lets go say hi to your brother and father." He said walking out, I got up and went to go see them "hey dad." I said hugging him "Matt" Justin said "Hey." I said hugging Justin "I miss Boston and all of you." I muttered "Yeah we miss you all too." Justin said "y/n how's your boyfriend." Justin asked him "he dumped me." Y/n said he was obviously talking about Jace "I'm sorry to hear that." My brother said "nah its fine he was a jerk." Y/n mumbled, "hey you guys wanna help me and your mother cook." My father asked "Yeah we would love too." Nick replied, there was 7 of us in one small kitchen cooking "okay we're making chicken with a side of a salad and a cake so a couple of you and cut vegetables and another one can help with the chicken and then others can help with the cake." My mother told us, me, justin and chris were currently cutting vegetables, I was cutting tomatoes but I needed a small break after a while I cut like already 9 things, "hey mom I'll be back." I muttered "okay Matt!" She said as I walked to my room closing my door I sat on my bed I needed to tell them about me being gay well I did more digging I think I may be bisexual but I'm not too sure, but anyways I'm probably gonna tell them at dinner I thought to myself.

"Matty." Y/n said as he opened my door "y/n." I muttered, he closed the door behind himself and then walked to my bed and sat next to me "hey your mom said give the chicken 10 minutes." Y/n told me, I looked into his eyes and couldn't help but kiss him and then it turned into a make out session.

(*MARYLOU POV!!!!!!*)

The chicken timer beeped "jimmy take it out I'll go get Matt and y/n." I said but nick stopped me "no mom it's fine I'll do it." Nick said "don't be silly I'll go get him." I walked to matts room "Matt." I said as I opened his door and when I did I was shocked
y/n and matt were making out but when I opened the door they both jumped away from each other "mom." Matt said geting up "I am so sorry." I said closing the door and walking back to the kitchen "mom you okay." Justin asked, Matt came into the kitchen "mom I'm so sorry I was gonna tell you at dinner but then you walked in and uh- I'm sorry." Matt apologized to me "I'm not Mad hunny I still love you." I hugged him

(*MATTS POV!!!!!!!*)

"Shit, fuck!" I cursed "matts it's okay." Y/n said hugging "I need to go see her." I said geting up and walking out of my room and walking to the kitchen "mom I'm so sorry I was gonna tell you at dinner but then you walked in and uh- I'm sorry." I apologized to her "I'm not Mad hunny I still love you." She hugged me, I let out a tear as Justin and my dad looked at me weird "I uh dad Justin I'm dating y/n." I blurted out "I KNEW IT!" Justin cheered "I'm proud of you son." MY father said hugging me.

Y/n walked out of my room and into the kitchen "hey y/n." Chris said "welcome to the family!" My mom hugged y/n tightly "I'm proud of you telling them Matt." Y/n said "I am too." I said.

(*4 days later*)

"Hey mom." Y/n said "hello my son." She said kissing his forehead "oh my Matt!" She said hugging me "hey actually mom I need to tell you something." Y/n said and she nodded "so Jace broke up with me took all his stuff and blocked me." He said looking down "I told you I did not like that boy one bit." She told y/n "I know but then I got with a new boy "y/n every boy you get with is a asshole get with one of your friends like nick he's a nice gay male." She said "im actually dating someone you like." He said "who?" She asked but then immediately gasped "You and nick!!" She said clapping "no mom me and matt." He said and she gasped even louder "OH MY GOD THIS IS PERFECT!" She said hugging us "be nice to him he's been through a lot." She said to me "I will be." I said smiling at y/n I am so happy



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