34. Breaking point

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Hello so this a story about depression if you don't like story like this please don't read and if you want me to write a story just comment...

In this story y/n is 16 she is she sturniolo tirplets sister so she lives with them in LA.

TW - depression, pills,

Y/n was standing in front of a mirror...Crying Hard "I'm so stupid" she whispered, y/n jumped at a bang on the door "Y/n you been in there for a while I need the bathroom now" Chris said "one minute" y/n said quickly Wiping her face, she sat down on the toilet "Chris I'm just gonna pee" she lied from in the bathroom  she looked in the mirror making sure it doesn't looked like she was just crying, "COME ON " Chris yelled  she walked out and walked fast by chris to her room closing her door and locking it.


Y/n phone rang she huff and grabbed her phone it was nick

Nicko the sicko
We gotta film a car video wanna come?

No I'm good I'll stay home. Sorry

Y/n closed her phone and floped on her bed with a huff a tear fell from her face, y/n had bad depression she acted happy but she hated herself all she wanted was to die but she's to scared to do anythingabout it... "Y/N! CAN YOU COME HERE" matt yelled from up stairs, y/n wiped her face she unlocked her door and walked up stairs "yes matt" she said "were leaving now if you need anything call us we will answer theirs food in the fridge we will be back in 2-3 hours if we take longer we will call you, if you're gonna go out call one of us" matt told his little sister "ok thanks matt I'm gonna go back to my room now" she smiled walking back to her room she went back to her bed she felt so alone so she called the one person she knew that would make her feel better...Her best friend Alex.

It rang twice then he picked up the phone "y/n hey" Alex said "hey I wanted to know if you wanna come over I need a friend" y/n said "yeah I would love to I will be there in 2 bye y/n/n" Alex said hanging up.

Y/n jumped up and ran to the kitchen she grabbed a bag of chips and a bottle of soda and walked back to her room she put the food and soda on her bed "Y/N! I'm here" Alex yelled she went to go answer but Alex walked in her room "hey- chips" Alex said floping on her bed grabbing the chips opening them "what do you want to do" she asked her boy best friend "I don't know just wanted to spend time with you till you're brothers come home because I don't think they like me very much" Alex said eating the chips  "nonsense they do" y/n said cuddling into Alex side, she didn't love Alex like a boyfriend she love him as her bestfriend he made her happy they been best friends since she 13 but online but when she moved to LA with her brothers she met Alex for the first time in real life at school, y/n looked up at Alex he was sleeping she smiled and fell asleep .

"Y/N!" Chris yelled, y/n jumped from her sleep, Alex did the same " what chris" she asked "why is he here alone you know we don't want you alone with a boy especially alex" nick said crossing his arms "come on I wouldn't do anything and Alex is a good friend" y/n said but her brothers wouldn't listen  "look I'm just gonna go" Alex said getting up "But you shouldn't have to come on" y/n said "y/n no ok you should make new friends because Alex isn't allowed over anymore and you're not allowed to go over anymore" matt said "THATS BULLSHIT HE'S THE ONLY THAT MAKES ME HAPPY" Y/n yelled "Alex go" nick said, Alex got up and left he turned before he left a tear fell from his face he left with that, y/n had a red face "get out of my room" she said getting up and closing her door in their faces.

This was her breaking point, she grabbed a bottle of pills that was in her bathroom and put them in her hands she sat on her bed and went to take them all but her door opened suddenly "y/n- oh my God" Chris said "y/n-" matt said "look I'm not happy I wanna die but Alex helped you just kicked him out of my life" y/n Explained "we didn't know" nick said  "no one did not even Alex he just made it better" y/n said puting her head down chris went over and took the pills from his sister "we came to say we over reacted and we are sorry" matt said "yeah we're sorry" nick apologized at this point they were all crying the Triplets felt like shit  "call him and tell him he's allowed over if he wants he can come sleep over" Chris said she nodded grabbing her phone it rang a couple of times till it answered y/n put it was speaker "hey Alex it's matt I wanted to say sorry and you can come over and if you want come sleep over tonight but door open" matt said "thanks I'm on my then bye" Alex said hanging up " y/n never ever hurt yourself because we love you more then you know" nick said they all gave her a hug "if it gets bad tell us we can help or tell Alex he will listen" Chris said "will do" she said hugging her brothers she felt a bit better telling her brothers.

KiraTaylor838 hope you like it if not I'm sorry I been sick really sick so I haven't had much time sorry, sorry it took so long next time it will be faster

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