1• Sunshine

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Isabella's POV:

I couldn't help but be interested in today's lecture. I always found history to be an interesting subject. As the professor was talking about the most dangerous people who ever lived and how they have affected history, one name always seemed to interest me the most.

I wonder how people can kill without feeling anything and what carrying a gun feels like...

I was pulled out of my thoughts when my best friend Avalline asked, "So are we still going for lunch later today?" she asked with a smile, which is one of the things I always loved about her.

"Yes, you know I wouldn't miss our mini lunch dates for the world," I stated with a big smile, which almost reached my eyes. She let out a small squirm, showing how excited she was.

Soon, the lecture finished. We quickly got up and left. Today we had two lectures which surprisingly passed fast. So I had the whole day to spend with her. As we got into Ava's car, Ava soon started driving to Star Bucks as we both loved eating there.

"She is a bitch, I don't even know why people like her, she always talks shit about everyone yet they still like her" she rolls her eyes.

"It's daddy money. Hehe, you know how people like her act. But I would never understand why people like her, she is mean and fake to everyone but who am I to judge."I added.

Talking about Maya, the popular cheerleader, who always sees herself more superior to us. I don't like her at all. Since high school. I wonder how she got into University with how bad she was with her academics, oh yeah daddy money. I roll my eyes, not that I'm jealous but her family is not the friendliest too. But of course, you can always get yourself to any place you want with the money.

We soon arrived at Star Bucks and ordered our usual and walked to where we always sat. I couldn't help but notice Ava blushing as she typed on her phone like a mad person.

"Who is making you blush so much? Or Should I be worried?" I chuckled at her reaction as she turned a lighter shade of pink and started acting as if she had been caught by her mother with a boy.

"Josh...he makes me feel special Isa, he was just asking if I can go on a date with him."Smiling at me.

Josh is her boyfriend...they have been dating for about 5 months now I think, I'm happy for her. I honestly didn't think they would make it this far, taking the fact that he is a player or was. But I'm still happy for her.

"You guys have been dating for 5 months now but yet you always blush like a little girl that was just told they like her for the first time " I  laugh at her.

"I know, I know but I can't help but feel happy, he's my boyfriend and I love him." Her cheeks turned pink. This girl will go crazy one day because of boys.

We finished our lunch and started doing our work. Time passed and my phone started ringing I checked to see who it was and when I saw it was, I practically stared at my phone until I decided to answer it


"where are you?" He said, sounding angry.

"I-I am j-just having lunch with Ava, why? I-Is there a problem?" I answered him.

"Come home right now!" He shouted through the phone.


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