50• Fall Apart

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Liam's POV:

I watched as her eyes closed in my arms. In that moment my whole world fell apart.

I held on to her as tight as possible. She can't leave me.

Kaden came running to me, saying something but everything was quiet. I felt numb. She's not gone yet. I quickly stood up with her in my arms, her body fallen limp as I ran past the rest of my men who were now standing around.

I ran towards my ran, entering the backseat and told the driver to rush to the hospital. My eyes went down to the only person I ever could call home. "DRIVE FUCKING FASTER!" I shouted.

In 10 minutes we arrived at the hospital making my way past everyone. I started shouting for help and soon after doctors and nurses came running to me and took her away from me. I wanted to follow behind but I was told I couldn't enter. I watched to doors close with the love of my life laying half dead.

In that moment I prayed to God. I know he does exist but I've never asked him for anything but in this very moment I begged him to take me than her. I kept on getting weird looks from everyone because I knew I looked crazy with the blood on me. Her blood all over my hands but I fucking didn't care.

That was supposed to be me. She jumped in front of a gun to save me. It's all my fault. I don't know how many minutes I stood there still staring at the closed doors she disappeared into. She saved me.

I took a seat on one of the chairs of the hospital, my eyes casted down. My mind running with so many thoughts. I felt numb to everything. As if my heart was pulled out of me.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up, seeing Kaden, Jaylen and Isa's father looking down at me. He wasn't angry or upset. But looked hurt and broken.

I stood up to apologize to her father but was pulled into a hug. This was the first time anyone has ever hugged me except Isabella. And today i needed it the most. My tears fell for the very first time. I pulled back and stared at him.

"Sir, I'm sorry I didn't keep her safe as I promised. This is all my fault." He stayed quiet.

Maybe I really don't deserve her. Ever since she met me, she's always been in danger. But I'm a selfish man and can't let her go. Never.

"You tried your best son. I forgive you. If only I tried harder at saving her mother too but I failed." He said then turned around and walked away.

I returned back to my seat, regretting ever.

If I had never met her in that club that night...she wouldn't be here. She wouldn't be facing all this. She wouldn't be fighting for her life.

I don't know how many hours passed before the doors opened again. A doctor called out for her name. I quickly walked towards her.

"Doctor, how is she? Is she okay? Please say something damnit!"

She jumped a bit and returned back to her professional face. "Calm down sir. She's out of danger but she lost a lot of blood and the bullet did more damage than expected. We are not sure when she'll wake up but right now the best we can do is have faith and wait for her to recover." She added.

As if my heart started beating again. She's alive. Thank God. She's okay, she's okay. I kept telling myself.

"And the baby is okay too." She told me. My eyes widened. What the fuck?


I looked at her again. "Baby?" The question sounding more of a question to me. "Yes, she's 3 weeks pregnant. How come you never knew?" She asked in confusion. "You can see her now, she's in the ward room. Number 56."
The doctor excused herself, leaving me in so many thoughts. I held the chair to balance myself.

Isabella is pregnant?

She's carrying my baby?

It's been a month and I never knew. After a bit of time, I collected myself and walked to her ward room. Every footstep taken was heavy from the guilt I had. She was here because of me. Because I couldn't protect her. I put hers and our baby's life at risk.

I sent a message a few minutes ago telling everyone that she was okay but wasn't awake yet. I slowly entered the room and saw her lying on the hospital bed looking lifeless and pale. If it wasn't for the life support monitor beeping then one would think she's dead.

I made my way towards and, taking in all the tubes connected to her, the only thing that was keeping her alive.

She saved me without hesitation.

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