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Well, it's been quite some time, has it not, Hero?

Lots has happened since you've been gone. Some good, some bad. To be perfectly honest, I'm surprised so many survived the initial Calamity. But there were enough survivors to keep Hyrule alive and running. 

The others, your friends. Well, they're gone—no other way to say it. But you can see them again. 

Your family is gone, although I don't think you'll remember them for a while. 

And your love - she's waiting for you. 

It will be hard, surely. But there will be ways to get through it, a goal, a longing. 

All the others are still going, living, although they're all waiting. 

What are they waiting for?

Why, they're waiting for you, Hero.

Better get going.  

*A/N: Yahaha. I'm back bitches. How've y'all been since the last time? It's only been like a week lol but I hope you're all okay.

As stated before, this book follows Link's journey trying to remember what the hell he's going and trying to get back to Zelda. It's going to be short chapter-wise, but the chapters should be pretty long with how much I want to pack into each one. Plus, when you're playing, Link never stops moving. He's always got a mission, even If that mission is chopping down 100 fucking trees for this little chubby dude. so I'm going to try and simulate that feeling in this story, as well. Despite the prologue (which is an omnipotent narrator, I'd love to hear your thoughts on that. I thought it was cool) the rest of the book is in the first person POV. Link's POV. Should be an interesting time overall.

I love hearing everyone's feedback and thoughts. Comments literally give me life. 

I'm so excited to start this book lol.

Buckle up, friends. This is a doozy.*

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