Chapter One: Moving

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*Picture above is of Jamie*

Being new sucks.

Being new in a state you've never visited, just heard of, sucks worse.

Being new in a state where every relatively famous person can be located sucks even more.

But nothing sucks more than moving your senior year of high school because your mom is getting married to a billionaire in two months.

"Look over there!" Mom pointed while driving. If I didn't trust her like I do then I would be afraid of her getting in a wreak while sightseeing, but my mom is known to be a pretty cautious driver. Even more so now that she's pregnant. 

I look to where mom is pointing and I see what Los Angeles is know for: the Hollywood sign.  "Cool." was my only response. Mom knows that it will take more than a sign to make me excited to be living here, and she was glad to take that as a challenge. What she doesn't know though is that the only thing that will make me happy to be here is if dad was here too. 

It's been two years since the crash that took my dad and brother's lives. I remember that day better than I wish, I occasionally dream about about it. 

Dad went to drop off Ryan at soccer practice but on the way there a storm hit. Dad couldn't see a thing as he was driving, Ryan said as he laid on his death bed, and the roads were super slick. He was a mile from the field when an eighteen-wheeler hit them, causing the car to flip and land into a ditch. 

Dad died on impact, leaving Ryan to die a slow and painful death. But at least I got to say good-bye. 

Tears threaten to surface as the memory appeared in my mind. Eventually I was able to push it back but not before letting a single tear fall. Thankfully mom didn't catch me crying or else she would go all detective on me and try to figure out what was wrong; though it wouldn't take a genius to figure it out. She knows that I still miss them just like I know she still misses them. Her crying over them after her engagement party is proof enough. 

My phone vibrates but I ignore whoever is texting me.

Nigel is a good guy. Before he took mom out on their first date I told him that if he ever hurt her then karma is going to be a bitch back. A few months later I told mom that I wouldn't mind having Nigel as a stepdad, she took that as my blessing for her to remarry and when he got on one knee and asked she said yes. Of course, they didn't know about the baby at that time, and you really only notice the bump if you look real close. Now how big it will look in the wedding dress is a mystery.

However, one person I have an issue with is Liam, Nigel's son. Just because his daddy's a billionaire doesn't mean that he has the right to treat me or my mom like trash. I only met him once and let's just say that he is not happy that his dad is remarrying after being divorced for nine months. Talk about moving on quickly.

Liam also is a heavy smoker and he hates me because I wouldn't let him smoke in our old apartment. He claims that he has to smoke in order to stay clam around me and my mom but I told him to cut the bullshit and I threw away not only the cigarette he was holding, but also the rest of the pack.

"What about that?" Mom said, causing me to re-enter the present. In the distance is the fairest wheel that is sitting at the Santa Monica Pier. "Tell me that you haven't seen something as beautiful as that."

I look at her, "I've seen a fairest wheel before." I say while trying to hold back a smile.

"You know what I mean." She gently hits my arm playfully and releases a smile of her own. She really looks good with a smile. For seven months after the wreak all she did was stay in her room and cry, occasionally she would come out but only to eat. So seeing her smile makes me smile even more.

"I know." I respond. For the rest of the drive mom kept on pointing out landmarks that she thought were cool; she even made me make a list of everywhere she wants to visit. It only consist of Disneyland Park, Santa Monica Pier, and to visit the Hollywood sign.

"Are you sure you want to climb the Hollywood sign?" I ask, "You're five months pregnant. I don't think you should be doing that."

"Oh, you worry too much. I'll be fine." She's right, I do worry too much. How I don't have wrinkles and grey hair by now is a mystery. I worry about my grades, about my body, about my looks, about her and the baby. I even worry bout things that are beyond my control like the weather and if I get sick and all of that. I wouldn't say I have anxiety though.

Five minutes later we arrived at the gates of Hollywood Hills and to my shock  they are wide open. We reach a house that has a lot of glass walls and a pool and I see Nigel sitting on the porch with a book opened but he is quick to close it once he sees us pulling up.

For a fifty year old he doesn't look that bad. He is wearing a white suit with a black tie, like he just got off from work. His skin is as dark as the shoes he are wearing, which is more of a brown color than a black. He rushes to open the door for mom and he kisses her before she's even fully out of the car. 

I move my hand up to cover my eyes but still look away, "There are young eyes around." 

Mom laughs and I take that as my cue to uncover my eyes and look at them. "Like you've never seen two people kiss before."

"Not three feet away from my face." 

Mom fixes me with a stare and raises a brow. "I beg to differ. You don't seem to mind when you're watch those movies." 

I look down, embarrassed that she brought up the types of movies I watch in front of Nigel. They aren't bad, not like porn, but they do have a lot of, um.... physical intimacy. "That's different." I justify, "It's acting."

"Sure. Whatever you say." I get out of the car and go to the trunk where all of our luggage is being held. I push the button to open the trunk door and after it's all the way up I grab my two bags and head inside.

Nigel is kind enough to show me where my room is, sadly it is right across the hall from Liam on the second floor. "If Liam gives you any trouble just tell me and I'll talk to him." I nod, even though I am pretty sure that it will take more than a "talk" for him to behave. 

I open the door and my jaw hits the floor as I take in my new room. There is a queen size bed located against the wall in the center of the room. The walls are painted a light shade of grey and the windows are angled to where just the right amount of sunlight can enter. 

I will never tell my mom this but I'm pretty sure that this room is helping me like LA.

A/N- Hey guys, pardon any spelling or grammar errors and I hope you enjoyed this chapter of The Rich Boys of LA

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A/N- Hey guys, pardon any spelling or grammar errors and I hope you enjoyed this chapter of The Rich Boys of LA. If you like this then vote and comment and I'll know to add on, and if you don't then I guess you don't have to.  

Also tell me what you think so I can make improvements. Have a great day/night!! <3<3

(Word Count: 1371 words)                 

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