Chapter Four: Tears

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*Picture of Jamie's mom above*


To my dismay, Liam came home before mom and Nigel did so I couldn't see him get punished. However, I did get to see the look on his face when Nigel said that we'd be having some family bonding time and may I just say that I wished I had recorded it. His eyes went to the back of his head and his dark skin when light. If that's even possible.

"Do I have to?" He complained as we were walking to the living room.

"Yes," Nigel spoke, giving his son the 'Act like you are enjoying this' look even though it is clear he isn't. Liam mumbles something inaudible under his breath. Part of me wanted to know what he said so that way I could beat his ass if it was anything about my mom, but part of me was glad I didn't because knowing him it probably was.

"So what we're going to do," Nigel says once we were all seated, "is whoever has the talking stick will talk for five minutes about themselves and their feelings." He grabs a plastic tube-one you would use if you were running a relay, "I'll go first." It takes all my might to not laugh at the sight of a grown man holding a talking stick. Who's stupid idea was this?

"Jamie," He says with all seriousness. I look at him and pray he doesn't see the humor on my face. "I am so happy that I'm going to have you as a daughter. I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't met your mom when I did." He wraps his arm around her shoulder and places a kiss on her temple. "As you know, Jamie, I am the CEO of Withers Tech but rest assured I will not let my job or the money get in the way of this relationship." I nod and smile. 

He said "this relationship". Does that mean that he let his job and money get in the way of his last? "Would you like to go next, Anne?" He asked my mom.

"Sure." She grabbed the stick and placed her hands on her lap, "Liam," she started, "I know you don't like me and you have every right not to." Beside me, Liam scoffs, "I know that you didn't know about your father's engagement to me until after it was announced and I know that you wish your mom and dad were still married." I look down and see Liam's hands balled up into fists, hopefully he won't rage on mom or else he and I are going to have problems. Mom didn't seem to notice so she continued, saying, "So rest assured that I will not, in any way, try to replace her. She holds a special piece of your heart and I can't imagine taking that away from you." 

Tears form in my eyes at the thought of dad and Ryan holding a piece of my heart. Nigel knows about the accident and I hope he's not going to try and replace dad, and deep down I know that she's mentioning the same thing, saying how she won't replace his mom and she won't replace dad or Ryan.

"That was beautiful." Nigel says as mom passes the stick to Liam.

Liam stares at the stick for a long time before grabbing it with more force than necessary and glares at mom; like the glare you would give someone who you wanted to murder. "No, it was not." Liam said, which took me by surprise, "I don't care what you say or do but I will not have a whore as a step-mom. So you can shut the fuck up and leave me the hell alone."

I don't see much but red, but I do hear mom gasp and Nigel starting to say something but I mainly feel my fist connecting with Liam's nose. "Ow, what'd you do that for bitch?"

"Don't you ever call my mom a whore." I snap, "And don't call me a bitch. You should be grateful that some other woman wants to marry your dad and put up with you because I wouldn't if I was her. No wonder why your mom didn't take you with her." 

A low blow, I know, but what else was I supposed to say? "Hey, it's okay to disrespect my mom and me?" No! 

Liam stands and for a second I thought he would punch me back, but instead he walked past me and went up to his room. "At least both of my parents are alive." He whispers as he walks away. If he wasn't so far away I'd have punched him again, but he is so I just stand there with my back to mom and Nigel, desperately trying to hide the tears that threaten to spill.

"I'm sorry about his behavior." Nigel spoke, "I'll go talk to him."

"Don't bother." I turn, not bothering to hide the tears that clog my voice, "He probably won't listen." With that said, I walk to my room and lay face-first on my bed and cry. So much for bonding.

A/N- Hello!! Sorry for any spelling/grammar errors

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A/N- Hello!! Sorry for any spelling/grammar errors. 

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Love you!!<3<3<3

(Word Count: 904) 

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