015┆chapter fifteen

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fifteen.       hickey

▬▬ "WHAT'D YOU ALL DAY?" Paul asked, looking at the girl over the cards he had in his hands, she was looking at her cards, moving them around a little which made him laugh. "Cas?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing really." She told him, putting the three of hearts behind the two of spades ― she liked to have her cards in chronological order. "Claire wanted to color and when she took a nap Emily and I made lasagna. We took it to my dad after Claire woke up." She told him, glancing up from her hand of cards. "Okay, go." She told him.

"Uh, do you have any fours?" He asked. "You cooked?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I can cook a little." She scoffed. "And go fish." He huffed, reaching to grab a card off the pole that sat on the floor between them.

"Since when?"

"Hello, every Friendsgiving and I cooked Christmas dinner for my dad, Billy and Jake. And I made that pizza for you guys. Have any twos?" He sighed, pulling a card from his deck and handing it to her, she smiled as she took it and paired it with the two in her hand before laying them next to her leg.

"When are you gonna cook for me?" He raised an eyebrow at her as the corner of his lips pulled into a smirk.

"Mmm." She hummed, tilting her head to the side as if she were thinking about it. "That depends."

"On what?"

"You come back to me tomorrow and I will make you anything you want. Anything at all."

"You got yourself a deal." He put his cards to the side as he leaned over the pile that sat between them. She chuckled, shaking her head a little as he moved closer, pressing his lips against hers. She hummed, putting her cards next to her before moving her hands up to his cheeks as she moved to her knees, pressing her lips harder against his.

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